作者介绍 STUDY CARD FOR INTRODUCTORY PSYCHOLOGY Colorful, affordable, and packed with useful information Allyn & Bacon/Longman's Study Cards make studying eas-ier, more efficient, and more enjoyable. Course informationis distilled down to the basics, helping students quickly mas-ter the fundamentals, review a subject for understanding, orprepare for an exam. RESEARCH NAVIGATOR GUIDE: PSYCHOLOGY, WITH ACCESS TO RESEARCH NAVIGATORTMAllyn & Bacon's new Research NavigatorTM is the easiest wayfor students to start a research assignment or research paper.Complete with extensive help on the research process andthree exclusive databases of credible and reliable source ma-terial induding EBSCO's ContentSelect Academic JournalDatabase, New York Times Search by Subject Archive, and"Best of the Web" Link Library, Research NavigatorTM helpsstudents quickly and efficiently make the most of their re-search time. The booklet contains a practical and to-the-point discussion of search engines; detailed information onevaluating online sources and citation guidelines for web re-sources; web links for Psychology; and a complete guide toResearch Navigator. …… 序言