The Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture: Three Volume Edition(New Edition)园艺学标准百科全书:全三卷本(新版;英语原版,1925年美国印刷本;货号TJ)
贝利(Bailey, Liberty Hyde),美国植物学家,系统研究了栽培植物,使美国的园艺从手工艺提高到应用科学的水平,并对遗传学、植物病理学和农业的发展产生直接影响。他建立并领导贝利园艺标本陈列馆。他有大量著述(700篇科学论文和66本著作),包括几部著名的百科全书︰《园艺学标准百科全书》(1914年6卷;1925年缩编为3卷)。还著有《栽培植物手册》,经多次修订再版,至今仍是重要著作。
本书原售价1083.37美元,净重8.31千克,私藏自然旧。【图书分类:农业科学 > 园艺】This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1917 ...habit and with brighter green foliage; blooms somewhat later. 8. hispida, Willd. (T. kashgdrica, Hurt.). Shrub, with slender upright lvs. bluish green, cordate and subauriculate at the base, acuminate, somewhat spreading, finely fls. pink, almost sessile, in dense racemes 2-3 in. long, disposed in terminal panicles; petals deciduous, much longer than sepals; disk 5lobed. Aug., Sept., R.H. 1894:352. T. a/ricAnn, Poir. Allied to T. juniperina. Racemes 2-3 in. fls. very short-pedicelled; styles slenderer. Medit. region. Apparently not in cult.; the plant offered in trade under this name is usually T. parviflora.--T. atgtrica or T. algeri£naia, Hort., is probably T. gallica; no species has been described under these names. The Algerian species T. gallica, Linn., T. brachystyliB, Gay, T. bounopea. Gay, T. africana, Poir., T. Balansse, Gay, T. rubella, Battaud., T. pauciovulata, Gay, and T. articulata, Vahl.--T. dnvlicn, Webb. Allied to T. gallica. Shrub, to 10 Ivs. bluish green, somewhat constricted at the fls. ovate in bud; filaments filiform at the base, attached to the acute lobes of the 5-angled disk. W. Eu. 8.E.B. 2:201.--T. articulAta, vol. Tree, attaining 30 ft., with slender, jointed lvs. glaucous, minute, fls. 5-merous, pink, sessile, in terminal panicles. W. Asia. Not hardy N.--T. itnhiirica. Willd.=Myricaria dahurica.--T. germdnica, Linn.=Myricaria germanica.--T. rubella, Battaud. Allied to T. parviflora. Tree or shrub with red erect lvs. minute, bracts ovate, acute, almost as long as calyx; calyx-segms. 4; petals 4, rose; stamens 4, with long filaments and dark purple anthers. Algeria. Alfred Rehder. TAMONEA (native name). Melastomacese. This name was revived to...
View: "Unquestionably the most important horticultural cyclopedia published in this country. For the amateur or professional horticulturist it is invaluable."
About the Author: Liberty Hyde Bailey, Jr. was a world renown plantsman, utilizing his abilities as botanist, taxonomist, horticulturist, and writer. His influence was widespread and was felt as teacher, administrator, lecturer, and world traveler. His prolific writings provided horticultural information not only to botanists, but also to farmers and gardeners.
Liberty H. Bailey, Jr. was born on March 15, 1858 in South Haven, Michigan. He attended Michigan Agricultural College, graduating in 1882. After working at Harvard under Asa Gray and as professor at Michigan Agricultural College, Bailey accepted a position at Cornell University in 1888. There he expanded the botanical and agricultural teaching programs, as well as beginning nature study education by publishing the Cornell Nature-Study Bulletin. Bailey became Dean in 1903 and after securing state funding, established the State College of Agriculture at Cornell. He created new departments, an experiment station, an arboretum, and many new courses of study. After resigning as Dean in 1913, Liberty was able to travel more and collect plant specimens worldwide. His trips took him to such places as China, New Zealand, Jamaica, and Brazil, to name just a few. Accumulating a vast number of palm specimens, he soon became a world authority on the study of palms. Collecting so many new plants increased the size of his personal herbarium to over 140,000 specimens. Finally in 1935, Bailey donated all his collections (herbarium, library, and seed catalogue collection) to Cornell University, thereby establishing a new department called the L. H. Bailey Hortorium. He remained the director of the department until his resignation in 1951.
During his career at Cornell University, L. H. Bailey continued to write and produce timely agricultural and horticultural works. Some of the most notable are the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture and the Manual of Cultivated Plants. Later came Hortus and Hortus Second. He began work on a revision to be called Hortus Third but died (at the age of 96) before it could be completed. Hortus Third was later published by the Bailey Hortorium and still remains in use today.