本书原定价209.00美元,净重770克,书角有破损,前言有一处黄色荧光笔划线,书内正文完好,无字迹和划线,私藏自然旧。【图书分类:天文学、地球科学 > 测绘学 > 大地测量学 > 卫星大地测量与空间大地测量 > 全球定位系统(GPS)】This reference and handbook describes static, kinematic and dynamic Global Positioning System (GPS) theory, algorithms and applications. It is primarily based on source-code descriptions of the KSGSoft program developed by the author at the GFZ in Potsdam. The theory and algorithms are revised and extended for a new development of a multiple functional GPS software. New concepts such as the unified GPS data processing method and ambiguity-ionospheric algorithm, as well as general ambiguity search criteria, are reported for the first time. Mathematically rigorous, the book begins with the basics of coordinate and time systems and satellite orbits, as well as GPS observables, and deals with topics such as physical influences, observation equations, adjustment and filtering, ambiguity resolution, data processing, kinematic positioning, and the determination of perturbed orbits.
From the Back Cover: This reference and handbook describes Global Positioning System (GPS) theory, algorithms and applications. It is primarily based upon source-code descriptions of the KSGSoft program developed by author at the GFZ in Potsdam. The theory and algorithms are revised and extended for a new development of a multiple functional GPS software. New concepts such as the unified GPS data processing method and ambiguity-ionospheric algorithm, as well as general ambiguity search criteria, are reported for the first time. Mathematically rigorous, the book begins with the basics of coordinate and time systems and satellite orbits, as well as GPS observables, and deals with topics such as physical influences, observation equations, adjustment and filtering, ambiguity resolution, data processing, kinematic positioning, and the determination of perturbed orbits.
About the Author: Guochang Xu graduated in mathematics and geodesy from Wuhan University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 1982 and 1984 respectively. He obtained his doctorate from the Technical University Berlin in 1992. Having worked as a scientist at the GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) Potsdam from 1993 to 1998 and as a senior scientist at the National Survey and Cadastre, Denmark, from 1998 to 1999, he returned to the GFZ as a senior scientist in 1999. He has been involved in GPS research since 1993 and has authored and co-authored several books and software. He is also an overseas assessor of CAS and the Chinese Education Ministry and an adjunct professor of ChangAn University and CAS.