第二章 实验 实验一 细菌的基本形态和特殊结构的观察及革兰染色Observation of basic morphology.structure and gram stain 实验二 细菌的人工培养与生化反应Artificial culture and biochemical reaction ofbacterial 实验三 细菌的分布、消毒灭菌与抗生素药敏试验Microbial distribution, disinfection,sterilization and antibiotic sensitivity test 实验四 细菌的变异现象观察和致病物质检测Abserve bacterial variation and pathogenicity substance test 实验五 脓汁标本的病原学检查(一)Identification ofpathogenic COCCUS I 实验六 脓汁标本的病原学检查(二)Iden“fication ofpathogenic COCCUS II 实验七 粪便标本的病原学检查(一)Identification of enteric bacteria I 实验八 粪便标本的病原学检查(二)及厌氧性细菌和动物源性细菌生物学特 性观察Identification of enteric bacteriaⅡand observe the festure of anaerobic bacteria and zoonotic bacteria 实验九 粪便标本的病原学检查(三)抗酸染色及其微生物形态学观察 Identificationof pathogenic COCCUS II and Acid-fast stain 实验十 病毒与真菌的培养特性及真菌孢子染色Cultivation of Virus and fungus and Spore staining offungi 彩插