张明,研究员,博士生导师。中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所国际投资研究室主任,国际金融研究中心副主任。研究领域为国际金融与宏观经济。入选国家万人计划首批青年拔尖人才、中国金融博物馆中国青年金融学者、中央国家机关优秀共产党员。在国内外学术期刊与财经媒体上分别发表了若干学术论文与财经评论,并撰写了大量的决策咨询报告。王碧珺,副研究员。国际经济评论编辑部主任,北京大学经济学博士。研究领域为国际投资,在《世界经济》、《世界经济与政治》,China & World Economy等国内外核心期刊上发表相关学术论文数十篇,并著有《中国对外直接投资的理论、战略与政策》一书。
chapter one rating background
chapter two main changes of ranking methodology
ⅰ. expansion of sample
ⅱ. expansion of indicators
ⅲ. more standardized methodology
ⅳ. the progress of the report over the years
chapter three summary of rating methodologies by rating agencies ..
ⅰ. brief introduction of country credit rating agencies
ⅱ. rating targets
ⅲ. ponents of rating system
ⅳ. features of rating methodologies
chapter four methodology of croic-iwep
ⅰ. index selection
ⅱ. standardization, weighting and gra
ⅲ. rating samples
ⅳ. characteristics of croic rating system
ⅴ. future plan
chapter five overall analysis of croic-iwep rating results
ⅰ. overall results
ⅱ. indicator analysis
chapter six country analysis of croic-iwep ratings
ⅰ. tanzania (↓14)
ⅱ. uzbekistan ( ↓11)
ⅲ. canada (↓10)
ⅳ. vietnam (↓10)
ⅴ. the united states(↓9)
ⅵ. the united kingdom(↓7)
ⅶ. meco(↑17)
ⅷ. kazakhstan( ↑16)
ⅸ. kenya(↑15)
ⅹ. sweden(↑11)
ⅺ. luxembourg(↑10)
ⅻ. australia( ↑5)
country-risk rating of overseas investment from china 2020: risk rating of countries along the belt and road routes
ⅰ. rating background
ⅱ.sample countries for risk rating
ⅲ. overall results
volatility and trend of overseas investment risks in sample countries from 2014 to 2020