Chapter 1: Engineering Technology Educatioithe United States 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Engineering technology educatioithe U. S. (Instructions, programs, and accreditation) 1.3 The nature of engineering technology education 1.4 Engineering technology educatiosupply and demand 1.5 Licensing,certificatioand equivalency 1.6 RecommendationsChapter 2: The Productioof Engineering Technology Talents ithe United States 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Trends idegree production 2.3 Educational compositioof the engineering technology workforce 2.4 Demographics: diversity 2.5 Work-based educatioand training 2.6 Community college experiences and connections to pre K-12 educationChapter 3: The Employment of Engineering Technology Talents ithe OECD Countries 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Size and compositioof the engineering technology work force 3.3 Trends iemployment,income,and age 3.4 Work rules, skills, and job performance 3.5 Career pathways and hiring patterns 3.6 Shortages 3.7 The impact of automatioand technological developmentChapter 4: The Global Competitiofor Engineering Technology Talents-Discussioothe OECD Countries‘ Labor Market 4.1 Knowledge diffusioand impacts of international mobility 4.2 International mobility and its impact 4.3 Mobility strategies and current policy approaches 4.4 Suggestiofor government interventioand future mobility policy suggestionChapter 5: The Significant RelationshipetweeCulture, Physical Environment, Geographical Location, and the Success of Technology Transfer: A Case Study and OECD Countries Private Manufacturing Industries 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Cultural factors 5.3 Cross-cultural theories 5.4 Leadership and culture 5.5 Case study:A private Chinese firm-Huawei 5.6 DiscussiooOECD countries private manufacturing industries 5.7 ConclusionChapter 6: Analysis oEngineering Technology Educatioithe United States and Other OECD Countries 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Present situatioand characteristics of engineering technology educatioithe United States and other OECD countries 6.3 Strategies for science, technology, engineering and math iengineering technology education 6.4 The impact of engineering technology educatiooregional industrial competitiveness 6.5 Future development of engineering technology educatioithe United States and other OECD countries 6.6 Findings and conclusionsReferences 作者介绍 王孙禺,清华大学教授,博士生导师,联合国教科文组织国际工程教育中心副主任兼秘书长,中国工程教育认证协会常务理事,中国高等工程教育专业委员会理事,清华大学教育研究所原所长,清华大学人文社会科学学院原院务委员会主任。 序言