诗歌篇 现代诗歌 你一低头燕子就飞来了 十二月 孔雀 秋夜遣怀 伊斯坦布尔 湖 忘却 农事 猪 蛙 就让一些八月的阳光开在午后 晨光里的 天空没有翅膀的痕迹 五道口 无题 隔世 红气球 温暖的回忆 英文诗歌 Afternoon The Ides of April The Twilight of the Town Spring Night and the Thunders Cricket Cross Pond The Samsara and Nonsense 古汉诗英译 乡思(Homesickness) 乐游原(A Travel to the Wasteland) 归园田居・其三(Back to Rural Field Ⅲ) 归园田居・其一(Back to Rural Field I) 题破山寺后禅院(Writing on the Wall at Back Hall of Po Shan Temple) 静夜思(Thoughts on a Tranquil Night) 卜算子・黄州定慧院寓居作(Busuanzi Living in Ding Hui Temple) 酬乐天・扬州初逢席上见赠(Chouletian To a Friend Meeting for the First Time in Yang Zhou) 清明(In a Tomb-Sweeping Day) 贾生(To Scholar Jia) 孤雁(A Lone Goose) 已亥杂诗・其二百二十(Poems Writing in the Year Yi Hai No.220)