印度,是一个有着繁杂的街道、拥有瑜伽式的涅磐和梦幻般的宝莱坞,同时拥有软件大国称号的国家。4年前,一个印度的青年人来到中国工作,他用不到三个月的时间掌握一种快速学习汉字的方法,并且想和在中国留学和工作生活的50万外国人一同分享他的这种快速学习汉字的方法…… 如果学习普通话,依靠的不仅仅是记忆力而是更多的想象力,不单单是书本式的教学而是个人的经验,那么学习普通话将会变得更容易…... 他称这种涡轮汉字学习法 TURBO CHINESE 涡轮汉字学习法,较少地放在字面的意思,而侧重文字结构本身的涵义;让人从陷入沉思的中文汉字的思考记忆里解脱出来,而演变成一种好奇、有趣、充满想象力的理解。针对那些身兼工作职责的人,他们可能不会有很多的时间采用常规的方法来学习汉字,而涡轮汉字学习法的出现更加便于让老外理解汉字,所以,这种聪明的学习方案是必要的。它侧重于如何可以学习得更快,它是一种从学习者自身的角度来看待如何学习汉字,而不是从一个老师的观点来理解的。 What can a man from the land of software and street squalor;yogic nirvana and dreamy Bollywood tell over half a million workingexpats in China, about learning the language? That learning Chinese(and doing it fast!), has less to do with memory and more to dowith technique; that Chinese comes alive when learning is organicand inspired by life experiences rather than restricted totemplates as books make us believe.
Saurabh Sharma was born in India. He loves to observe culturemasquerading as human nature. He is a prolific writer withextensive body of published work about people, culture, technologyand future in publications such as The Times of India, China DailyBusiness Standard, AdAge, Indian Management, Market Leader,Campaign Asia, warc.com among others. He also has his own bloginquiringeyes.typepad.com where he posts observations, ideas andinsights about people, culture, technology andfuture.