你是否曾经好奇,为什么大家都相信“月亮上住着一个男人”呢?这个故事是叙述传说的由来。很久很久以前,有个叫做吴刚的男人,因为力大如牛而远近知名。“我听说,吴刚的手臂像树干一样粗!”“我听说,他拔一棵小树像拔一根草那样轻而易举!”have you ever wondered why people believe there is “a man on the moon”?this is the story of how this came about.once upon a time, there lived a man named wu gang. his powerful muscles made him very famous.“i heard that wu gang’s arms are as big as a tree trunk!”“i heard that wu gang could lift up a small tree as if he were just plucking a blade of grass from the ground!”吴刚虽然身体强壮,却生懒惰,又没有耐心。even though wu gang was very strong, he was also very lazy and impatient.