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作者[美]菲利普·科特勒(Philip Kotler), 加里·阿姆斯特朗(Gary Armstrong)
The Seventeenth Edition of Kotler/Armstrong’s Principles of Marketing! Setting the World Standard in Marketing Education
These are exciting times in marketing. Recent surges in digital technologies have created a new, more engaging, more connected marketing world. Beyond traditional tried-and-true marketing concepts and practices, today’s marketers have added a host of new-age tools for engaging consumers, building brands, and creating customer value and relationships. In these digital times, sweeping advances in “the Internet of Things”—from social and mo- bile media, connected digital devices, and the new consumer empowerment to “big data” and new marketing analytics—have profoundly affected both marketers and the consum- ers they serve.
All around the world—across five continents, more than 40 countries, and 24 languages—students, professors, and business professionals have long relied on Kotler/ Armstrong’s Principles of Marketing as the most-trusted source for teaching and learning about the latest developments in basic marketing concepts and practices. More than ever, the seventeenth edition introduces new marketing students to the fascinating world of modern marketing in a complete and authoritative yet fresh, practical, and engaging way.
Once again, we’ve added substantial new content and poured over every page, table, figure, fact, and example in order to make this the best text from which to learn about and teach marketing. Enhanced by MyMarketingLab, our online homework and personalized study tool, the seventeenth edition of Principles of Marketing remains the world standard in introductory marketing education.
Marketing: Creating Customer Value and Engagement in the Digital and Social Age
Top marketers share a common goal: putting the consumer at the heart of marketing. To- day’s marketing is all about creating customer value and engagement in a fast-changing, increasingly digital and social marketplace.
Marketing starts with understanding consumer needs and wants, determining which target markets the organization can serve best, and developing a compelling value proposi- tion by which the organization can attract and grow valued consumers. Then, more than just making a sale, today’s marketers want to engage customers and build deep customer relationships that make their brands a meaningful part of consumers’ conversations and lives.
In this digital age, to go along with their tried-and-true traditional marketing methods, marketers have a dazzling set of new online, mobile, and social media tools for engaging customers anytime, anyplace to jointly shape brand conversations, experiences, and commu- nity. If marketers do these things well, they will reap the rewards in terms of market share, profits, and customer equity. In the seventeenth edition of Principles of Marketing, you’ll learn how customer value and customer engagement drive every good marketing strategy.
What’s New in the Seventeenth Edition?
We’ve thoroughly revised the seventeenth edition of Principles of Marketing to reflect the major trends and forces that affect marketing in this digital age of customer value, engage- ment, and relationships. Here are just some of the major and continuing changes you’ll find in this edition.
?The seventeenth edition adds fresh coverage in both traditional marketing areas and
on fast-changing and trending topics such as customer engagement marketing, mobile
and social media, big data and the new marketing analytics, the Internet of Things,
omni-channel marketing and retailing, customer co-creation and empowerment, real-
time customer listening and marketing, building brand community, marketing content
creation and native advertising, B-to-B social media and social selling, monetizing
social media, tiered and dynamic pricing, consumer privacy, sustainability, global
marketing, and much more.
?This new edition continues to build on its customer engagement framework—creating
direct and continuous customer involvement in shaping brands, brand conversations,
brand experiences, and brand community. New coverage and fresh examples through-
out the text address the latest customer engagement tools, practices, and develop-
ments. See especially Chapter 1 (refreshed sections on Customer Engagement and Today’s
Digital and Social Media and Consumer-Generated Marketing); Chapter 4 (big data and
real-time research to gain deeper customer insights); Chapter 5 (creating social influ-
ence and customer community through digital and social media marketing); Chapter
9 (customer co-creation and customer-driven new-product development); Chapter 13
(omni-channel retailing); Chapters 14 and 15 (marketing content curation and native
advertising); Chapter 16 (sales force social selling); and Chapter 17 (direct digital, on-
line, social media, and mobile marketing).
?No area of marketing is changing faster than online, mobile, social media, and other
digital marketing technologies. Keeping up with digital concepts, technologies, and
practices has become a top priority and major challenge for today’s marketers. The
seventeenth edition of Principles of Marketing provides thoroughly refreshed, up-to-
date coverage of these explosive developments in every chapter—from online, mobile,
and social media engagement technologies discussed in Chapters 1, 5, 14, 15, and 17
to “real-time listening” and “big data” research tools in Chapter 4, real-time dynamic
pricing in Chapter 11, omni-channel retailing in Chapter 13, and social selling in
Chapter 16. A Chapter 1 section on The Digital Age: Online, Mobile, and Social Media
Marketing introduces the exciting new developments in digital and social media mar-
keting. Then a Chapter 17 section on Direct, Online, Social Media, and Mobile Marketing
digs more deeply into digital marketing tools such as online sites, social media, mobile
ads and apps, online video, email, blogs, and other digital platforms that engage con-
sumers anywhere, anytime via their computers, smartphones, tablets, internet-ready
TVs, and other digital devices.
?The seventeenth edition continues to track fast-changing developments in marketing
communications and the creation of marketing content. Marketers are no longer sim-
ply creating integrated marketing communications programs; they are joining with
customers and media to curate customer-driven marketing content in paid, owned,
earned, and shared media. You won’t find fresher coverage of these important topics
in any other marketing text.
?The seventeenth edition of Principles of Marketing continues to improve on its innova-
tive learning design. The text’s active and integrative presentation includes learning
enhancements such as annotated chapter-opening stories, a chapter-opening objective
outline, explanatory author comments on major chapter sections and figures, and Real
Marketing highlights that provide in-depth examples of marketing concepts and prac-
tices at work. The chapter-opening layout helps to preview and position the chapter
and its key concepts. Figures annotated with author comments help students to sim-
plify and organize chapter material. New and substantially revised end-of-chapter fea-
tures help to summarize important chapter concepts and highlight important themes,
such as marketing ethics, financial marketing analysis, and online, mobile, and social
media marketing. This innovative learning design facilitates student understanding
and eases learning.
?The seventeenth edition provides 18 new end-of-chapter company cases by which stu-
dents can apply what they learn to actual company situations. It also features 16 new
video cases, with brief end-of-chapter summaries and discussion questions. Finally, all
of the chapter-opening stories, Real Marketing highlights, and end-of-chapter features
in the seventeenth edition are either new or revised.
?New material throughout the seventeenth edition highlights the increasing importance
of sustainable marketing. The discussion begins in Chapter 1 and ends in Chapter 20,
which pulls marketing together under a sustainable marketing framework. In be- tween, frequent discussions and examples show how sustainable marketing calls for socially and environmentally responsible actions that meet both the immediate and the future needs of customers, companies, and society as a whole.
?The seventeenth edition provides new discussions and examples of the growth in global marketing. As the world becomes a smaller, more competitive place, marketers face new global marketing challenges and opportunities, especially in fast-growing emerging markets such as China, India, Brazil, Africa, and others. You’ll find much new coverage of global marketing throughout the text, starting in Chapter 1 and dis- cussed fully in Chapter 19.
Preface XV
Part 1: Defining Marketing and the Marketing Process 1
Chapter 1 Marketing: Creating Customer Value and engagement 1
What Is Marketing? 3
Marketing Defined 4 | The Marketing Process 4 Understanding the Marketplace and Customer Needs 5
Customer Needs, Wants, and Demands 5 | Market Offerings—Products, Services, and Experiences 6 | Customer Value and Satisfaction 6 |
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