内容摘要 通过英语游戏培养表达能力 有些人认为掌握大量的单词非常重要,但是组合几个单词的能力,即表达能力更为重要。如果有很好的表达能力,就能自信地把自己的想法传递给对方。在日常生活中,应该通过各种游戏培养孩子的表达能力。 Following Directions(按指令做动作游戏) 通过这种游戏能掌握表示动作的单词,而且孩子们特别喜欢能活动身体的游戏。另外,还可以让孩子学动物做各种动作。 像青蛙一样跳吧。(Hop like a frog.) 请摸摸鼻子。(Touch your nose.) 挥一挥手臂吧。(Wave your arms.) 请回头看看吧。(Turn around.) 请动一动手指。(Wiggle your fingers. ) 用一条腿跳跳。(Hop on one foot.) 向前跑吧。(Run forward.) 向后跑吧。(Run backwards.) 蹦一下。(Jump in the air.) 请你拍一次手。(Clap your hands once.) 在你头顶拍手吧。(Clap your hands over your head.) 在背后拍你的手。(Clap your hands behind your back.) 请跺一下脚。(Tap your feet once.) 到厨房拿叉子吧。(Go to the kitchen and bring back a fork.) 打开上面的抽屉,然后拿来两支铅笔。(Open the top drawer and take out two pencils.) 坐在那把椅子上面,从一数到五。(Sit on that chair and count to five.) 向左侧挪两步。(Take two steps to your left.) 请你向右拐弯。(Turn to your right.) 用右手摸摸左侧膝盖。(Touch your left knee with your right hand.) 用左脚站立,然后用右手摸摸下巴。(Stand on your left foot and touch your chin with your right hand. ) 坐下来弯曲膝盖,然后在膝盖下方拍手。(Sit down, bend your knees, and clap your hands under your knees.) 请你坐在桌子旁边。(Stand next to the table.) Riddles(猜谜游戏) 下面的猜谜游戏摘自陈庆惠网站(www.creativerabbits.com)中的猜谜游戏。 我是件物品,干的时候会被弄湿。我是什么呢?(I am a thing. When I dry, I get wet.What am I?) 正确答案:a towel(毛巾) 只要你说话,我就重复你的声音。我既没有身体,也没有耳朵和嘴,是从空气中产生。我是什么呢? (I hear you and speak to you when you are talking. I have no body, ears, or mouth, and I am born from the air. What am I?) 正确答案:an echo(回音) 我在很小的圆形房间里生活,那里没有门也没有窗户。要想走出去,就得敲碎墙壁。我是谁呢?(I live in a little round house. It has no doors and windows. The only way to get out is to break the wall down. Who am I?) 正确答案:a chick living in an egg(蛋壳内的小鸡) 经常被称为不正确的英语单词是什么?(What English word is always spelled incorrectly?) 正确答案:incorrectly(“不正确”单词本身) 跟在老鼠后面的鱼是什么?(What kind of fish chases mice?) 正确答案:a catfish(鲶鱼) 你在关着门的小房间里面,这里有三只猴子。一只猴子拿着书,另一只猴子在吃香蕉,最后一只猴子什么都不做。其中,最聪明的是谁呢? (You are in a little room with a closed door. There are three monkeys here. One monkey is holding a book. Another is eating a banana.The last monkey does not have anything. Which primate in the room is the smartest?) 正确答案:you(你) ……