目录 Preface Author biography 1 Symmetry, physical laws, and electric dipole moments 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Force field symmetries 1.2.1 Vectors 1.2.2 Vectors and pseudovectors 1.2.3 Modern analog of the Ampere experiment 1.3 Why measure EDMs, which, and how? 2 Some essential experiments 2.1 Neutron EDM measurements 2.2 Penning traps and Penning-like traps 2.3 Electron EDM measurement using polar molecule enhancement 2.4 The future References 3 Magnetic precessions 3.1 Cyclotron rotation, gyromagnetic ratio, and Larmor precession 3.1.1 Classical picture 3.1.2 Magnetic moment parameterization 3.2 Storage ring EDM measurement 3.3 Spurious magnetic precessions 3.3.1 Reducing the influence of environmental magnetic fields 3.3.2 Low frequency magnetic fields 3.3.3 Neutron EDM magnetic precessions 3.3.4 Magnetic noise comparison of neutron and proton EDM experiments References 4 Just enough accelerator physics 4.1 Preview 4.2 The uniform field ring 4.3 Horizontal stability 4.4 Vertical stability 4.5 Simultaneous horizontal and vertical stability 4.6 Dispersion 4.7 Momentum compaction 4.8 Chromaticity 4.9 Transfer matrices 4.10 Transfer matrices for simple elements 4.10.1 Drift space 4.10.2 Thin lens 4.11 Transfer matrix parameterization 4.12 Strong focusing 4.13 General transverse motion 4.13.1 Magnetic deflections 4.13.2 Element strengths and deviations 4.13.3 Nonlinear magnetic field example Reference 5 All-electric particle dynamics 5.1 Background 5.2 Introduction