目录 1.你要请客吃饭吗?(打招呼的基本要点) Are You Asking Me Out to Lunch? (Essentials of greeting) 2.同志,你好!(称谓常识) Hello,Tongzhi! (General knowledge about forms of address) 3.王“处”在吗?(头衔的使用规矩) Is Wang“Chu”In? (Rules concerning titles) 4.你真有眼光!(夸奖的常用语) GoodTaste! (Commonly used sentences for compliments) 5.我不行!(自谦的原则) I’m Not So Good at It. (The principle of being modest) 6.你救了我一命!(送礼规则) You Saved My Life! fTaboos against presenting gifts) 7.一起吃饭吧!(吃中餐的基本礼仪) Let’S Eat Together! fChinese dining etiquette) 8.招待不周!(中国人待客的礼仪) Please Excuse Me for the Poor Reception! (Chinese etiquette for entertaining guests)