《Java语言精粹》是一本几乎只讲Java优点的书。 Jim Waldo先生是原Sun微系统公司实验室的杰出工程师,他亲历并参与了Java从技术萌生、发展到崛起的整个过程。在这本书里,Jim总结了他所认为的Java语言及其环境的诸多精良部分,包括:类型系统、异常处理、包机制、垃圾回收、Java虚拟机、Javadoc、集合、远程方法调用和并发机制。另外,他还从开发者的角度分析了在Java技术周围发展起来的“开发者生态环境”。如果要把Java技术精炼到只含有它的最佳部分,在Jim看来,以上这些就是必须保留的部分。 作者还从历史的视角阐述了Java中某些技术的发展历程,解释了某些问题之所以存在的原因,使人读后有一种“知其所以然”的通透感。阅读本书不但能使你重温Java的核心机制,还可以使你了解语言的设计者和实现者们是如何权衡、折中并维护各种不同的语言特性,从而成就了这门流行的系统级通用编程语言的。
Jim Waldo is a Distinguished Engineer with Sun Microsystems Laboratories, where he investigates next-generation large-scale distributed systems. He is currently the technical lead of Project Darkstar, a multithreaded, distributed infrastructure for massive multiplayer online games and virtual worlds. Prior to his current assignment with Sun Labs, he was the lead architect for Jini, a distributed programming system based on Java. Before joining Sun, Jim spent eight years at Apollo Computer and Hewlett Packard working in the areas of distributed object systems, user interfaces, class libraries, text, and internationalization. While at HP, he led the design and development of the first Object Request Broker, and he was instrumental in getting that technology incorporated into the first OMG CORBA specification. Jim is a Professor of the Practice at Harvard University, where he teaches distributed computing and topics in the intersection of policy and technology in the department of computer science. Jim received his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Massachusetts (Amherst). He also holds M.A. degrees in both linguistics and philosophy from the University of Utah. He is a member of the IEEE and ACM.