Launched in 1949, International Water Power & Dam Construction has established itself as the leading monthly international publication serving the needs of those involved in dam construction and the hydroelectricity industries. Independently published it offers a highly respected, unrivalled, in-depth, quality editorial to its readers. A top quality, unbiased, information service, with a circulation of over 4000, International Water Power & Dam Construction offers its readers and advertisers an unrivalled penetration into the marketplace. International Water Power & Dam Construction is an established and integral part of the industry with reliable, independent and up -to-date editorial. Supported by an independent circulation audit fro m ABC, International Water Power & Dam Construction is an absolute must for anyone involved in the hydro power and dams industry. Topics regularly covered in the magazine include: Construction; Flood Management; Uprating and refurbishment; Small Hydro; Operation and Maintenance; Licensing; Project Finance, Tunnelling and Dam Safety.