foreword by sir william mccrea, firs preface to the fourth edition chapter ⅰ kinematical preliminaries section 1.the discements of rigid bodies 2.eulers theorem on rotations about a point 3.the theorem of rodrigues and hamilton 4.the ition of equal and opite rotations about parallel axes 5.chasles theorem on the most general discement of a rigid body 8.halphens theorem on the ition of two general discements 7.analytic representation of a discement 8.the ition of small rotations 9.eulers parametric specification of rotations round a point 10.the eulerian angles 11.conneon of the eulerian angles with the parameters ξ,η,ζ,x 12.the conneon of rotations with homographies:the cayley—klein paramctors 13.vectors 14.velocity and acceleration ; their vectorial character 15.angular velocity ; its vectorial character 16.determinstion of the ponents of angular veloeity of a system in terms of the eulerian angles, and of the symmetrical parameters 17.time—flux of a vector whose ponents relative to moving axes are given 18.spe resolutions of the velocity and acoeleration niscellaneous examples chapter ⅱ the equations of motion 19.the ideas of rest and motion 20.the laws which determine motion 21.force 23.forees which do no work 24.the coordinates of a dynamical system 25.holonomic and non—holonomic systems section 26.lagranges form of tho equations of motion ofa holonomic system 27.conservative forces ; the kiic potential 28.the explicit form of lagranges equations 29.motion of a system which is constrained to rotate uniformly round an as 30.the lagrangian equations for quasi—coordinates 31.forces derivable from a potential.function which involves the velocities 32.initial motions 33.similarity in dynamical systems 34.motion with reversed forces 35.impulsive motion 36.the lagrangian equations of impulsive motion miscellaneous examples chapter ⅲ principles available for the integration 37.problems which are soluble by quadratures with ignorable coordinates 39.spe cases of iguoration ; integrals of momentum and angular momentum 40.the general theorem of angular momentum 41.the energy equation 42.reduction of a dynamical problem to a problem with fewer degrees of freedom, by means of the energy equation 43.separation of the variables ; dynamical systems of liouvilles type miscellaneous examples chapter ⅳ the soluble problems of particle dynamics 41.the particle with one degree of freedom ; the pendulum 45.motion in a moving tube 46.motion of two interacting free perticles 47.central forces in general : hamiltons theorem 48.the integrable cases of central forces; problems soluble in terms of circular and elliptic functions 49.motion under the newtonian law 50.the mutual transformation of fields of etral force and fields of parallcl force 51.bons theorem 52.determination of the most general field of force under which a given curve or family of curves can be described 53.the problem of two eentres of gravitation 54.motion on a surface 55.motion on a sur face of revolution ; cases soluble in terms of circular and elliptic functions 56.joukovskys theorem miscellaneous exampims chapter ⅴ the dynamical specification of bodies section 57.definitions 58.the moments of inertia of some simple bodies 59.derivation of the moment of inertia about anyas when the moment of inertia about a parallel as through the centre of gravity is known 60.conneon between moments of inertia with respect to different sets of axes through the same origin 61.the principal axes of inertia ; cauchys momental ellioid 62.caleulation of the angular momentum of a moving rigid body 63.calculation of the kiic energy of a moving rigid body 64.independence of the motion of the centre of gravity and the motion relative to it miscellaneous examples chapter ⅵ the soluble problems of rigid dynamics 65.the motion of systems with one degree of freedom ; motion round a fixed as, etc. 66.the motion of systems with two degrees of freedom 67.initial motions 88.the motion of systems with three degrees of freedom 69.motion of a body about a fixed point under no forces 70.poinsots kinematical representation of the motion; the polhode and herpolhode 71.motion of a top on a perfectly rough ne; determination of the eulerian angle θ 72.determination of the remaining eulerian angles, and of the cayley—klein parameters; the spherical top 73.motion of a top on a perfectly smooth ne 74.kowalevskis top 75.impulsive motion miscellaneous examples chapter ⅶ theory of vibrations 76.vibrations about equilibrium 77.normal eoordinates 78.sylvesters theorem on the reality of the roots of the determinantal equation 79.solution of the differential equations; the periods; stability. 80.examples of vibrations about equilibrium 81.effect of a new constraint on the periods of a vibrating system 82.the stationary character of normal vibrations 83.vibrations about steady motion 84.the integration of the equations 85.examples of vibrations about steady motion 86.vibrations of systems involving moving constraints miscellaneous examples chapter ⅷ non—holonomic systems.dissipative systems section 87.lagranges equations with undetermined multipliers 88.equations of motion referred to axes moving in any manner 89.application to spe non—holonomic problems 90.vibrations of non—holonomic systems 91.dissipative systems; frictional forces 92.resisting forces which depend on the velocity 93.rayleighs dissipation—function 94.vibrations of dissipative systems 95.impact 96.loss of kiic energy in impact 97.examples of impact miscellaneous examples chapter ⅸ the principles of least action and least curvature 98.the trajectories of a dynamical system 99.hamiltons principle for conservative holonomic systems 100.the principle of least action for conservative holonomic systems 101.extension of hamiltons principle to non—conservative dynamical systems 102.extension of hamiltons principle an