PREFACE/引 言 1 INTRODUCTION/导 言 2 1 How Things Started/万物起源 10 2 People Who Lived in Caves/生活在洞穴里的人 15 3 Fire! Fire!! Fire!!!/火!火!!火!!! 20 4 From an Airplane/从飞机上向下看 24 5 Real History Begins/真正的历史由此开始 28 6 The Puzzle Writers in Egypt/埃及谜语 33 7 The Tomb Builders/修建坟墓的人 38 8 A Rich Land Where There Was No Money/没有钱的富庶之地 43 9 The Jews Search for a Home/犹太人寻找家园 48 10 Fairy-Tale Gods/神话传说中的神灵 53 11 A Fairy-Tale War/一场传说中的战争 59 12 The Kings of the Jews/犹太诸王 63 13 The People Who Made Our A B C’s/发明文字的人 67 14 Hard as Nails/铁石心肠 71 15 The Crown of Leaves/桂冠 76 16 A Bad Beginning/邪恶的开端 80 17 Kings with Corkscrew Curls/一头卷发的国王 84 18 A City of Wonders and Wickedness/奇迹和邪恶并存的城市 87 19 A Surprise Party/宴会奇袭 90 20 The Other Side of the World: India/世界的另一边:印度 94 21 All the Way Around the World in China/概说中国 97 22 Rich Man, Poor Man/富人、穷人 100 23 Rome Kicks Out Her Kings/罗马废除国王 104 24 Greece vs. Persia/希腊对波斯 108 25 Fighting Mad/战争狂人 114 26 One Against a Thousand/以一敌千 118 27 The Golden Age/黄金时代 123 28 When Greek Meets Greek/当希腊人遇上希腊人 129 29 Wise Men and Otherwise/智者与庸人 133 30 A Boy King/少年国王 138 31 Picking a Fight/挑起争端 143 32 The Boot Kicks and Stamps/“靴子”左右出击 147 33 The New Champion of the World/新的世界霸主 150 34 The Noblest Roman of Them All/最高贵的罗马人 156 35 An Emperor Who Was Made a God/被奉为神灵的皇帝 162 36 “Thine Is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory”/“国度、权柄和 荣耀,全是你的” 167 37 Blood and Thunder/鲜血与雷霆 172 38 A Good Emperor and a Bad Son/好皇帝,坏儿子 178 39 I_H_ _S_ _ _ _ V_ _ _ _ _/I_H__S____V_____ 182 40 Barbarian Invaders/野蛮的侵略者 186 41 Barbarians Meet the Champions of the World/野蛮人碰上了世界霸主 191 42 New Places — New Heroes/新的地方,新的英雄 196 43 Being Good/为善 199 44 A Christian Kingdom in Africa/非洲的基督教王国 204 45 Muhammad and the Early Years of Islam/穆罕默德和早期的伊斯兰教 208 46 Arabian Days/阿拉伯时代 214 47 Two Empires, Two Emperors/两个帝国,两位皇帝 219 48 Getting a Start/刚刚起步 224 49 The End of the World/世界末日 228 50 Real Castles/真正的城堡 231 51 Knights and Days of Chivalry/骑士和骑士时代 236 52 A Pirate’s Great Grandson/了不起的海盗后裔 241 53 A Great Adventure/一场伟大的探险 247 54 Tick-Tack-Toe; Three Kings in a Row/井字过三关;连续三王 251 55 Three Kingdoms in West Africa/西非三王国 257 56 Bibles Made of Stone and Glass/石头与玻璃制成的《圣经》 262 57 John, Whom Nobody Loved/没人喜欢的约翰 267 58 A Great Story Teller/了不起的故事先生 271 59 “Thing-a-ma-jigger” and “What-cher-may-call-it”or a Magic Needle and a Magic Powder/“小小装置”和“无名之物”,或者魔针和魔粉 275 60 Thelon Gest Wart Hate Verwas/史上最久的战争 278 61 Print and Powder or Off with the Old, On with the New/印刷术和火药—— 弃旧迎新 283 62 A Sailor Who Found a New World/发现新大陆的水手 286 63 Fortune Hunters/淘金的人 293 64 The Land of Enchantment or the Search for Gold and Adventure/魅力之地: 寻宝与冒险 300 65 Along the Coast of East Africa/东非沿海 304 66 Rebirth/重生 310 67 Christians Quarrel/基督徒反目 315 68 Queen Elizabeth/伊丽莎白女王 320 69 The Age of Elizabeth/伊丽莎白时代 325 70 James the Servant or What’s in a Name?/公仆詹姆斯 329 71 A King Who Lost His Head/掉了脑袋的国王 334 72 Red Cap and Red Heels/红帽子、红鞋跟 338 73 A Self-Made Man/白手起家的人 343 74 A Prince Who Ran Away/离家出走的王子 347 75 America Gets Rid of Her King/美国摆脱了国王 351 76 /天翻地覆 357 77 A Little Giant/小个子巨人 363 78 Latin America and the Caribbean Islands/拉丁美洲和加勒比群岛 369 79 From Pan and His Pipes to the Phonograph/从潘及其排笛到留声机 378 80 The Daily Papers of 1854—1865/1854—1865年间的日报 384 81 Three New Postage Stamps/三枚新邮票 389 82 The Age of Miracles/奇迹时代 393 83 A Different Kind of Revolution/另类革命 398 84 A World at War/战火蔓延的世界 404 85 A Short Twenty Years/二十年,弹指一挥间 408 86 Modern Barbarians/现代“蛮子” 415 87 Fighting the Dictators/对抗独裁者 421 88 A New Spirit in the World/全球新精神 427 89 A New BIG POWER in the World/一个新的世界大国 432 90 Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow/昨天、今天和明天 437