《Biochemistry:A Textbook for Medical Students,2n Edition(英文版)》是我国高等医学院校本科在华留学生和中、英双语教学的生物化学教科书,内容为医学专业类学生应该掌握的基础生物化学与分子生物学理论、基本知识和基本技能,同时也兼顾国家医师执业考试的要求。全书23章,内容分三个板块,分别包括蛋白质、核酸、维生素、酶和糖复合物的结构与功能;糖、脂、氨基酸、核苷酸和矿物质的代谢,以及生物氧化、血液和肝脏的代谢特点和代谢的整合与调节;DNA、RNA和蛋白质的生物合成、DNA损伤与修复、DNA技术、基因组学与蛋白质组学等组学,以及细胞信号转导和癌基因、肿瘤抑制基因和生长因子。全书共有插图342幅,表格67个。为了适应医学教学改革的需要,彰显医学生用生物化学教科书的医学专业特色,《Biochemistry:A Textbook for Medical Students,2n Edition(英文版)》第二版增添了生物化学与医学联系的知识框70个,在分子水平上对某些临床医学现象进行解读。 《Biochemistry:A Textbook for Medical Students,2n Edition(英文版)》还特别注重在华留学生和双语教学的需要.重要的英文专业名词和术语均在其后标有相应的中文,并在书后附有名词释义,对重要的术语给出简洁、准确的概念。各章后均有中、英文对照小结。 《Biochemistry:A Textbook for Medical Students,2n Edition(英文版)》适用于高等医学院校基础医学、临床医学、预防医学、口腔医学等各专业本科在华留学生和中、英双语教育的学生使用,也可作为从事本专业教师与研究人员的参考用书。
Chapter 1 Structures and Functions of Proteins 1.1 Amino Acid Composition in Proteins 1.2 Molecular Structure of Proteins 1.3 Structure-Function Relationship of Proteins 1.4 Classification of Proteins 1.5 Protein Physicochemical Properties and Protein Exploration
Chapter 2 Structures and Functions of Nucleic Acids 2.1 Structural Units of Nucleic Acids——Nucleotides 2.2 Structures and Functions of DNA 2.3 Structures and Functions of RNA 2.4 Properties of Nucleic Acids 2.5 Nucleases
Chapter 4 Enzymes 4.1 Structure and Function of Enzymes 4.2 Properties and Catalytic Mechanisms of Enzymes 4.3 Kinetics of Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions 4.4 Regulatory Enzymes 4.5 Nomenclature and Classification of Enzymes 4.6 Clinical Applications of Enzymes
Chapter 5 Glycoconjugates 5.1 Molecular Structures of Glycans 5.2 Structures and Functions of Glycoproteins 5.3 Structures and Functions of Proteoglycans 5.4 Structures and Functions of Glycolipids
Chapter 6 Biological Oxidation 6.1 Electron Transport Chain 6.2 Oxidative Phosphorylation 6.3 ATP and the Other High Energy Compounds 6.4 Selective Transport across the Inner Mitochondrial Membrane 6.5 Other Biological Oxidations
Chapter 7 Carbohydrate Metabolism 7.1 Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates 7.2 Anaerobic Degradation of Glucose 7.3 Aerobic Oxidation of Glucose 7.4 Pentose Phosphate Pathway 7.5 Glycogen Formation and Degradation 7.6 Gluconeogenesis 7.7 Blood Sugar and Its Regulation
Chapter 8 Lipid Metabolism 8.1 Fatty Acids and Derivatives of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids 8.2 Digestion and Absorption of Lipids 8.3 Metabolism of Fats 8.4 Metabolism of Phospholipids 8.5 Metabolism of Cholesterol 8.6 Metabolism of Plasma Lipoproteins
Chapter 9 Protein Catabolism 9.1 Nutritional Roles of Dietary Proteins 9.2 Digestion, Absorption and Putrefaction of Dietary Proteins 9.3 Degradation of Protein in Cells 9.4 General Catabolism of Amino Acids 9.5 Metabolism of Ammonia 9.6 Individual Amino Acid Catabolism
Chapter 10 Nucleotide Metabolism 10.1 Biological and Medical Functions of Nucleotides 10.2 Degradation of Nucleic Acids 10.3 Metabolism of Purine Nucleotides 10.4 Metabolism of Pyrimidine Nucleotides 10.5 Deoxyribonucleotide Biosynthesis 10.6 Biosynthesis of Nucleoside Diphosphate and Nucleoside Triphosphate 10.7 Dysmetabolism of Nucleotides and Antimetabolites
Chapter 11 Blood Biochemistry 11.1 Plasma Proteins 11.2 Structure and Function of Albumin 11.3 Synthesis of Hemoglobin and Its Regulation 11.4 Metabolism of Blood Cells
Chapter 12 Liver Biochemistry 12.1 The Role of Liver in Material Metabolism 12.2 Hepatic Biotransformation 12.3 Metabolism of Bile Acid 12.4 Bile Pigment Metabolism and Jaundice
Chapter 13 Mineral Biochemistry 13.1 Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium Metabolism 13.2 Trace Elements
Chapter 14 Integration and Regulation of Metabolism 14.1 Common Characteristics of Metabolism 14.2 Intereonnections of Metabolism 14.3 Metabolic Specializations of Some Organs 14.4 Regulatory Strategy of Metabolism
Chapter 15 DNA Biosynthesis 15.1 General Features of DNA Replication 15.2 Enzymology and Topology of DNA Replication 15.3 Replication of Prokaryotic Systems 15.4 Replication of Eukaryotic Systems 15.5 Reverse Transcription and Other Modes of DNA Replication
Chapter 16 DNA Damage and Repair 16.1 DNA Damage 16.2 Repair of DNA Damage 16.3 Significance of DNA Damage and Repair to DNA Damage
Chapter 17 RNA Biosynthesis and Processing 17.1 Overview of Transcription 17.2 Transcription in Prokaryotes 17.3 Transcription in Eukaryotes 17.4 Processing of Eukaryotic RNAs
Chapter 18 Protein Biosynthesis, Modification and Targeting 18.1 Machinery Involved in Translation 18.2 Amino Acid Activation 18.3 Protein Biosynthesis Journey 18.4 Protein Posttranslational Modifications and Targeting 18.5 Clinical Correlation of Protein Biosynthesis
Chapter 19 Regulation of Gene Expression 19.1 General Characteristics of Gene Expression 19.2 Regulation of Gene Expression in Prokaryotes 19.3 Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes
Chapter 20 DNA Technologies 20.1 Molecular Hybridization 20.2 DNA Sequencing 20.3 Polymerase Chain Reaction 20.4 Recombinant DNA Technology 20.5 Transgenesis and Gene Targeting 20.6 Gene Diagnosis and Gene Therapy
Chapter 21 Signal Transduetion 21.1 Signal Molecules 21.2 Receptors 21.3 Signal Transduction Pathways 21.4 Signal Transduction Network 21.5 Signal Transduction and Medicine