Escape to the Philippines! The Philippines boasts a string of coral-fringed islands, white-sand beaches and pristine strands of virgin rainforest. From diving to connecting with the locals, Lonely Planet will help you unlock the adventures to be enjoyed in this archipelago of natural wonders on the frontier of Southeast Asia.
We've Got It Covered find everything from the rice terraces in the north to the fertile volcanic plateaus in the south.
Jump In With The Expert from getting started to finding the best dive sites, our special diving chapter shows you the ropes.
Rest Easy accommodation options to suit all tastes and budgets, from rustic nipa huts to luxury resorts.
Get Around with the help of over 95 maps to cities, islands, and everywhere in between.
Talk The Talk chat with the locals with the help of our indispensable Language chapter. 作者简介:
CHRIS ROWTHORN Chris is a Kyoto-based journalist who has spent the last 12 years in Asia. He travels several times each year in Southeast Asia and he considers Palawan to be one of his favourite places on earth. Chris is a keen diver, snorkeller and trekker, and is happiest when he's in the mountains or snorkelling on a tropical reef somewhere. In addition to being a writer and photographer,Chris is a published cartoonist whose work has appeared in King Features Syndicate's New Breed series in newspapers across the United States. When he's not writing for Lonely Planet, Chris runs tours of Kyoto, Tokyo, Manila and Palawan (