序 前言 01 故事开启,国王詹姆斯模式/in the beginning, king james version 02 “他走了”/“he’s gone” 03 从头再来/starting over 04 乐透抽签、运气以及乒乓球/lottery, luck, and ping-pong 05 旧的回忆,新的希望/old memories, new hopes 06 老面孔 新错误/old faces, new mistakes 07 格兰特之“死”/grant’s tomb 08 大z/z 09 跳出圈外,世界的另一头/outside the box, other side of the world 10 三巨头/the big three 11 现代nba/the modern nba 12 回家的国王/homeing king 13 拐杖,腿伤,合同/crutches, calves, and contracts 14 肩伤,悬带,战斗机飞行员/shoulders, slings, and fighter pilots 15 泳池风光/pool views 16 圣诞之殇/christmas mourning 17 赌徒/gambling man 18 向西,扼住媒体的咽喉/go west and strangle the media 19 第七场/seven 20 拉里·奥布莱恩杯/larry 后记/epilogue 致谢/acknowledgments