印刷时间:1968-01 本书为;美国原装,非国内影印本 非常稀少而珍贵 汉语译名为;英语同义词用法指南经过国内影印后,成为英语工作者必备的工具书,是大中学教师备课及参加各种考试的应试者首选,国内大中型词典的编撰不同程度参考此书,本店另有本书的内部交流版供选择.The book jacket describes, better than I can, what you\'ll find inside: \"Over 1,000 essays that define, compare, and contrast 6,000 synonyms and related words.\" These essays do exactly that: they tell us the shades of meaning for related words so we may chose the appropriate one. While the number of words included is only about 6,000 this book is the best tool for helping you select the right word. Highly recommended.