Editor:Chung-Li Tseng,Ph.D., University of New South Wales
The Journal of Energy Engineering reports on the scientific and engineering knowledge in the planning, development, management, and finances of energy-related programs. The journal is dedicated to civil engineering aspects of the issues, sources, and programs that are either directly related to, or can ultimately contribute to, the production, distribution, and storage of energy. Multidisciplinary subjects are especially encouraged.
美国土木工程师学会(The American Society of Civil Engineers,简称ASCE)成立于1852年,至今已有150多年的悠久历史,是历史最久的国家专业工程师学会。现在,ASCE已是全球土木工程领域的领导者;所服务的会员来自159个国家超过13万的专业人员。为了鼓励在工程师之间分享更多的信息,ASCE已和其他国家的65个土木工程学会达成了合作协议。