译 名:William T. Baker 大师设计作品集作 者:William T. Baker出 版 社:Images Publishing Group书 号:9781864704341语 言:英语出版时间:2011-05-08页 码:296装 帧:精装规 格:280mm * 280mmThis gorgeously designed and presented book showcases a selection of the work of renowned architect, William T. Baker. The twelve beautiful homes featured in this book reflect Baker’s keen eye for detail and in-depth understanding of materials and of the manufacturing process.For Baker, the beauty, appeal and comfort of a home are as important as its functionality. He says of his homes “Time is the ultimate arbiter of a design’s success. If a work looks beautiful years after its inception, then you know you did something right. My goal is for my work to reflect the personality of its ultimate user and, in some way, the culture of its time.”这本华美设计的书,展示了著名建筑设计师 William T. Baker 的精选作品。本书收录的20个美丽的住宅项目,将Baker先生对于细节的洞察力,对于生产过程以及材料运用的深刻理解力全部呈现于人们的眼前。在设计方面,Baker先生把房屋设计的美观,吸引力以及舒适性和它的功能和实用性放在同等重要的地位对待。当提到他的作品时他说“时间是评判一件设计作品最终的裁判,如果一件作品多年以后看起来一如既往的美丽,那时候你才知道你做对了。我的目标是让我的作品表达出最终用户的个性,以及从某个方面反映出那个时代的文化。”