1861年7月24日 拉斐尔前派著名画家爱德华·伯恩-琼斯写给其房东的信,尺寸约11x18 cm 全文如下 Sir,
I am quite willing to take the rooms for a year, and to give a quarter's notice whenever I may wish to leave, as if they suit me I shall be likely to keep them for some time. If I am ready to take possession in a few days before the half quarter can I do so? Perhaps on receiving Mr.Uralles's reply you will be kind enough to answer this. I am, sir, obediently yours. E.Burne-Jones
根据Penelope Fitzgerald 编写的爱德华·伯恩-琼斯传记第75页,此时他的妻子已怀孕,不得不考虑搬到更大的住所。收信人即新住址(62 Great Russell Street )的房东。10月,妻子就在这里生下儿子菲利普。 此时爱德华·伯恩-琼斯年仅28岁,尚年轻,自然没有订制的笺纸,语气也很恭敬。背面应该是房东的手迹。