内容简介: 世界文学名著表现了作者描述的特定时代的文化。阅读这些名著可以领略著者流畅的文笔、逼真的描述、详细的刻画,让读者如同置身当时的历史文化之中。为此,我们将这套精心编辑的“名著典藏”奉献给广大读者。我们找来了专门研究西方历史、西方文化的专家学者,请教了专业的翻译人员,精心挑选了这些可以代表西方文学的著作,并听取了一些国外专门研究文学的朋友的建议,不删节、不做任何人为改动,严格按照原著的风格,提供原汁原味的西方名著,让读者能享受纯正的英文名著。 摘要: The poor little mason is seriously ill; the master told us to go and see him; and Garrone, Derossi, and I agreed to go together. Stardi would have come also, but as the teacher had assigned us the description of The Monument to Cavour, he told us that he must go and see the monument,in order that his description might be more exact. So, by way of experiment, we invited that puffed-up fellow, Nobis, who replied "No,"and nothing more. Votini also excused himself, perhaps because he was afraid of soiling his clothes with plaster. We went there when we came out of school at four o'clock. It was raining in torrents. On the street Garrone halted, and said, with his mouthfull of bread: - "What shall I buy?" and he rattled a couple of soldi in his pocket. Weeach contributed two soldi, and purchased three huge oranges. Weascended to the garret. At the door Derossi removed his medal and put it in his pocket. I asked him why. "I don't know," he answered; "in order not to have the air: it strikes meas more delicate to go in without my medal." We knocked; the father, that big man who looks like a giant, opened to us; his face was distorted so that he appeared terrified. …… 目录: AUTHOR'S PREFACE OCTOBER FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL OUR MASTER AN ACCIDENT THE CALABRIAN BOY MY COMRADES A GENEROUS DEED MY SCHOOLMISTRESS OF THE UPPER FIRST IN AN ATTIC THE SCHOOL THE LITTLE PATRIOT OF PADUA THE CHIMNEY-SWEEE THE DAY OF THE DEAD NOVEMBER MY FRIEND GARRONE THE CHARCOAL-MAN AND THE GENTLEMAN MY BROTHER'S SCHOOLMISTRESS MY MOTHER MY COMPANION CORETTI THE HEAD-MASTER THE SOLDIERS NELLI'S PROTECTOR THE HEAD OF THE CLASS THE LITTLE VIDETTE OF LO ...