作者简介: 曹雪芹(1715-1763),(也有说法为生于1724年,或卒于1764年),满洲人,名霑,字梦阮,又号雪芹、芹圃、芹溪等,祖籍河北唐山(一说辽宁铁岭,一说辽宁辽阳),中国清代文学小说家、诗人、画家。他出身于“百年望族”的封建官僚大家庭,后因家庭衰败而饱尝人生辛酸。他以坚韧不拔的毅力,前后花了十年时间,经五次增删,创作了《红楼梦》。因部分稿件被借阅者遗失,他死后仅遗留下前八十回的稿子,经后人续写,高鹗整理,才形成了如今的一百二十回《红楼梦》。《红楼梦》规模宏大,结构严谨,情节复杂,描写生动,塑造了众多具有典型性格的艺术形象,堪称中国古代长篇小说的高峰,在文学发展目前占有十分重要的地位。 内容简介: This celebrated Chinese classic novel is a masterpiece of realism written in themiddle of the 18th century. Taking as its background the decline of several relatedbig families and drawing much from his own experiences, the author Can Xueqin(?- c.1763) focused on the tragic love between Jia Baoyou and Lin Daiyu and, inthe meantime, provided a panorama of the lives of people of various levels in thedegenerating empire. But he left the work unfinished (or the last 40 chapterswere lost). Gao E (c.1738- cA815) completed the work some years later in muchof Gao's spirit and also put in his own revelations, which aroused p ... 目录: CHAPTER 1
Zhen Shiyin in a Dream Sees the Jade of Spiritual Understanding
Jia Yucun in His Obscurity Is Charmed by a Maid
Lady Jia Dies in the City of Yangzhou
Leng Zixing Describes the Rong Mansion
Lin Ruhai Recommends a Tutor to His Brother-in-Law
The Lady Dowager Sends for Her Motherless GrandDaughter
An Ill-Fated Girl Meets an Ill-Fated Man
A Confounded Monk Ends a Confounded Case
The Spiritual Stone Is Too Bemused to Grasp the Fairy's Riddles
The Goddess of Disenchantment in Her Kindness Secretly Expounds on Love
Baoyu Has His First Taste of Love
Granny Liu Pays Her First Visit to the Rong Mansion