内容简介: 本书作者采用分子生物学、神经科学、认知心理学、计算认知科学、脑成像等多学科结合的技术,对感知觉、注意、记忆、语言、决策,以及情绪与认知的脑机制进行了深入的研究,对于理解上述认知的脑内加工过程和神经基础,构建认知神经模型很有帮助。 目录: Progress in Cognitive Science: From Cellular Mechanisms to Computational Theories Zhong-Lin Lu & Yue-Jia Luo (Eds) Contents 1. Contributions of ideal observer theory to vision research……………Wilson S. Geisler 2. Response time: Data and theory……………………………………….. Roger Ratcliff 3. Binocular rivalry, attention, and visual awareness……………………………Sheng He 4. Perceptual Learning: Mechanisms and Models………………….……..Barbara Anne Dosher, Zhong-Lin Lu 5. Mechanisms of attention: Psychophysics, cognitive psychology ...