作者简介: 陈琦,现任香港英基西岛中学中文教师,获中学语文教育学专业硕士学位。在香港靠前学校教授中文多年,曾参加多项对外汉语教材编写工作,其中包括香港大学教育学院组织的“GCSE中文教材”的编写。出版有《汉语A+》等教材。 主编推荐: The Chinese Library Series is a collection of graded readers for students studying Chinese. There are 6 levels available in this series, graded according to the vocabulary used. Each reader is accompanied by exercises. A Chinese-English word list makes it easy for students to work independently. A free CD-ROM included narrates the text with subtitles. 内容简介: Chinese idioms are set phrases which normally consist of four characters. They have evolved over thousands of years and make the Chinese language richer and more colourful. Most Chinese idioms originate from myths, fables and historical events. As a result, they do not conform to modern Chinese grammatical structure or syntax; normally they are very concise and abbreviated. They aim to convey the moral behind the story instead of narrating the&nb ... 摘要: 本册属于初级(600词)汉语读物,全书用精简的语言、精彩的画面讲述了与兔有关的成语故事。图书配有词语表,故事后配有小练习和延伸阅读,便于学生自测或教师教学。随书附赠CD-ROM一盘,内容包括故事、延伸阅读、词语表 目录: 狐假虎威 两虎相争 小练习 延伸阅读