内容简介: 本书是上海市外宣产品。上海是中国重要的的经济、交通、科技、工业、金融、会展和航运中心,是世界上规模和面积优选的都会区之一。介绍了上海作为世界大都市,在国际化方面所取得的成就,对外方人员了解上海的成就,以及上海为人们所提供的信息便利等均具有一定的帮助。 目录: Chapter 1 International Transportation Hub Section 1: International air station Section 2: A shining pearl on the sea Section 3: "Ihree-dimensional urban transport network Section 4: Highly-efficient airport-harbour linkage Chapter 2 Major world economic and trade centre Section l: International economic and trade cooperation Section 2: Shanghai's exceptional advantages in foreign trade Section 3: Shanghai as the favoured destination for foreign capital Section 4: "Going Out" strategy in fiaU swing / 030 Section 5: Leading venues for international conventions and exhibitions Section 6: International consumer city Chapter 3 Internationalfinancialcentre Section 1: No. 5 financial centre m the world Section 2: ...