主编推荐: 《实用护理英语》:高职高专护理专业工学结合规划教材 内容简介: 本教材的编写从高等护理教学的实际出发,以工学结合、项目引领、任务驱动的教学理念为指导,与岗位需求密切结合,注重体现临床实用性,突出培养护生在临床情景中的专业实践和语言运用能力。本书由13个典型的临床情景构成13个任务,每个任务主要包括学习目标、任务描述、任务过程、背景知识、知识拓展、能力训练与写作指导七个板块。每个任务以护理人员实际工作情景为题材,包括挂号、人院接待、测量生命体征、给药、注射、皮试、收集标本、术前术后护理、预防感染、患者安全、饮食宣教与出院指导等主题。每个任务中以常见科室、常见疾病为依托,涵盖内、外、妇、儿、精神科等各专科护理,包括呼吸、消化、心血管、泌尿、内分泌、神经、血液、运动、生殖各系统。为便于广大读者自学,书后还附有常见医护英语专业词汇的词干、前后缀,参考书目及参考答案等。 摘要: : OK, should I come back for checking up? N. Yes, you are expected to come back in two weeks in the outpatient department, with a repeated X-ray before it. We have organized these for you. P: OK, thanks a lot. I'm wondering how long I should stay at home. N: It depends on how well you recover and your job requirements, but usually at least 8 to 12 weeks. Returning to work should be guided by your doctor and physical therapist. P: Oh, it doesn't sound good news. And how can I carry out my rehab exercises? N. That's the point. First of all, you'd better move and walk as much as you can& ... 目录: Task 1 Registration Task 2 Admission Task 3 Take Vital Signs Task 4 Administer Medicines Task 5 Skin Test Task 6 Give an Injection Task 7 Collect Specimen Task 8 Preoperative Education Task 9 Postoperative Education Task 10 Discharge Task 11 Diet Instruction Task 12 Infection Prevention Task 13 Patient Safety Appendix 1 Key to Exercises Appendix 2 Glossary Appendix 3 Stems and Affixes Appendix 4 Abbreviations Appendix 5 Names of Hospitals Departments and Specialists References