A Business Legend Reveals His Company's Secrets of Success In today's volatile marketplace, it's rare for firms tolast-much less consistently increase earnings-for more than fourdecades. That's what makes the story of 115-year-old globalmanufacturing and technology leader Emerson so remarkable, and sovaluable, for today's managers. How does Emerson do it? And whatcan other companies learn from its success? Celebrated business leader Charles F. Knight-who was CEO ofEmerson for 27 of its 43 consecutive years of increasedprofits-says the secret behind Emerson's long-term competitivenessis a dynamic management process carried out with unrelentingdiscipline. In Performance Without Compromise, Knight breaksdown the key components of the Emerson management process in detailfor the first time, and shows how this core process enables Emersonto address and overcome major challenges ranging from technologicaldiscontinuities to intense global competition. A remarkable success story, Performance WithoutCompromise is filled with insightful lessons about leadership,management, and competitiveness that can be applied in any companyor industry.
Charles F. Knight isChairman Emeritus of Emerson and serves on the boards ofAnheuser-Busch Companies, IBM, and other major corporations. He wasCEO of Emerson from 1973 to 2000. Davis Dyer is the authorof Rising Tide: Lessons from 165 Years of Brand-Building at P&G(HBS Press, 2004).