基本信息 书名:CNN互动英语系列:StepbyStep听懂CNN人与自然 原价: 66.00元 作者:LiveABC互动英语公司 出版社: 科学出版社 出版日期:2013年1月1日 ISBN:9787030357786 字数: 页码: 版次: 第1版 装帧: 开本: 16 商品标识: 编辑推荐 英语学了这么多年,想看看英语新闻却觉得听起来很吃力?看着新闻画面似乎不难猜出新闻主要事件是什么,但对于新闻细节内容却几乎听不懂? 收听国际英语新闻是与国际接轨、掌握时事最好的方式,而CNN是最具国际知名度的新闻媒体之一。由LiveABC编著的《STEP BY STEP听懂CNN人与自然》内容均取材自CNN电视新闻网,对于想要提高英语水平及职场竞争力,同时了解科技前沿与发展脉络,拓展视野,吸收新知的读者,本书将是您的最佳选择。 内容提要 暂无 目录 前言光盘使用方法光盘安装问题解决办法Part 1 生态环境1 全球最环保的城市巴西库里其巴 Pioneering Mayor Turns Brazilian City into Eco-Friendly Metropolis2 看暖化如何改变北极样貌 Bear Grylls Explores the Effects of Climate Change in the Northwest Passage3 北海道流冰奇景即将消失? Disappearing Sea Ice Portends of Growing Climatic Catastrophe4 气候变迁 世界奇景死海即将消失 Seven Wonders Status Could Breathe New Life into the Dead Sea5 50年后海洋将无鱼可捕? World Seafood Stocks Could Vanish by 20506 我们将面对什么样的生态浩劫? Climate Scientists Measure Effects Of Global WarmingPart 2 动物保护7 与狼共舞不再只是电影情节 Environmentalists Howl over Delisting Formerly Endangered Predator8 就因为他们非吃不可──黑鲔鱼悲歌 Japanese Sushi Fans See Red over Proposed Bluefin Tuna Ban9 生态怪现象 数十亿蜜蜂离奇失踪 Scientists Search for the Secret of the Vanishing Insects10 穿山甲将自地球消失 Conservationists Fight to Get Endangered Scaly Anteater off Asian Menus11 爱它就给它幸福的晚年——高龄宠物照料 Japan\'s Furry Friends Get Extra Help Aging Gracefully12 别让人类成为长臂猿的生存天敌 Teaching Hot Ape Love to Endangered Gibbons13 罕见沙漠跳鼠 首度现身镜头前 Seldom Seen Jerboa Hops out of the Shadows and into the SpotlightPart 3 生命健康14 吃微波爆米花 当心肺衰竭 A Potentially Dangerous Chemicals Gives Some Snackers Pause15 怎样吃素才健康? Getting Protein Is Key to a Healthy Vegetarian Diet16 青少年的无形杀手——忧郁症 Suicide Survivor Shares Life Lessons with Fellow Teens17 小心!有毒化学物质就在你身边 Toxic Test Reveals the Poisons in Our Environment18 用呼吸改变你的人生 Guru Teaches that Happiness Is Just a Breath Away19 别让打鼾成睡眠杀手 Mask Offers Relief to Chronic Snorers(and their Spouses)20 吃深海鱼?当心汞中毒 Toxic Element Has Some Pregnant Women Shunning Seafood21 原来子宫不是胎儿安全的温床 Babies at Risk from Chemicals While Still in the Womb22 吃避孕药能防癌? Oral Contraceptives May Lower Risk of Deadly Diseases in WomenPart 4 自然探索23 从大自然的工程密码看建筑新趋势 Biomimicry Takes Its Cues from Mother Nature24 发现深海新物种 颠覆你对生物的想象 Protecting the Strange and Wondrous Creatures that Lurk Beneath the Waves25 红毛猩猩恐自地球消失 Apes Threatened as Borneo Clears Land to Meet Biofuel Demand26 探究冰封千万年的地底世——南极冰下湖泊 Antarctic Lake Could Provide Clues on Climate Change27 谁杀了刚果大猩猩? Park Warden Charged in the Murder of a Family of Endangered Apes28 来自大自然的震撼——台风辛乐克 Measuring Two Similar Storms That Have Very Different Impacts29 罕见超级龙卷风 破坏力全记录 Deadly Supercell Tornadoes Ravage the U.S. Midwest 作者介绍 暂无 文摘 暂无 媒体推荐 暂无