目录 Foreword by Sir William McCrea, FRS Preface to the fourth edition CHAPTER I KINEMAT[CA L PRELIMINARIES SECTION I. The displacements of rigid bodies 2. Euler's theorem on rotations about a point 3. The theorem of Rodrigues and HamiJton. 4. The coloposition of equal and opposite rotations about parallel axes 5. Chasles' theorem on the most general displacement of a rigid body. 6. Halphen's theorem on the composition of two general displacements 7. Analytic representation of a displacement 8. The composition of small rotations. 9. Euler's parametric specification of rotations round a point 10. The Eulcrian angles. 11. Connexion of the Eulorian angles with the parameters $1n,$~,x 12. The connexion of rotations with homographies: the Cayley-Klein paramctcrs 13. Voctors 14. Volocity and acceleration ; their vectorial character. 15. Angular velocity ; its vectorial character. 16. Determination of the components of angular velocity of a system in terms of the Eulerian angles, and of the symmetrical parameters 17. Time-flux of a vector whose components relative to moving axes are given 18. Special resolutions of the velocity and acceleration. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES CHAPTER II THE EQUATIONS OF MOTION 19. The ideas of rest and motion 20. The laws which determine motion 21. Force 22. Work 23. Foroes which do no work. 24. The coordinates of a dynamical system 25. Holonomic and noa-holonomic systems CHAPTER III PRINCIPLES AVAILABLE FOR THE INTEGRATION CHAPTER IV THE SOLUBLE PROBLEMS OF PARTICLE DYNAMICS CHAPTER V THE DYNAMICAL SPECIFICATION OF BODIES CHAPTER VI THE SOLUBLE PROBLEMS OF RIGID DYNAMICS CHAPTER VII THEORY OF VIBRATIONS CHAPTER VIII NON-HOLONOMIC SYSTEMS DISSIPATIVE SYSTEMS CHAPTER IX THE PRINCIPLES OF LEAST ACTION AND LEAST CURVATURE CHATPER X HAMILTONIAN SYSTEMS AND THEIR INTEGRAL-INVARIANTS CHAPTER XI THE TRANSFORMATION THEORY OF DYNAMICS CHAPTER XII PROPERTIES OF THE INTEGRALS OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS CHAPTER XIII THE REDUCTION OF THE PROBLEM OF THREE BODIES CHAPTER XIV THE THEOREMS OF BRUNS AND POINCARE CHAPTER XV THE GENERAL THEORY OF ORBITS CHAPTER XVI INTEGRATION BY SERIES