Chapter One Engendering Rural Development and Environmental ChangesRural Modernization, Ecological Legacy and GenderContested Terrain: Gender, Natural Resources Management and InstitutionalMatrixesMaiStructureChapter Two The Politics of FieldworkSite SelectionThe Initial VisitsAEthnographic Gaze: Power iOperation, Power iTransitionChapter Three The Setting: Land and Its PeopleA Peasant Community iNortheasterChinaA Village iFlux: The Intersectioof Class, Gender and EthnicityLandscape Dynamics and Environmental ChallengesChapter Four AgrariaChanges and the Crusade against Local EnvironmentAgricultural Collectivizatioand Its Environmental ImpactsPlunging Into Smallholder Patterns: Agricultural Intensification,Technological Changes and the Gendered Labor RegimesThe Livestock Economy iaEcological ContextChapter Five Voices from the Grassroots: Gender,Bureaucratic State Power and the Mass MobilizatioConservatioCampaignEnvironmental Actioas a Mass MobilizatioConservationCampaign: a Local TaleThe History of Mass ConservatioPractices ia Peasant VillageFrom Success to Tragedy: The Legacy of a Party SecretaryIthe Shadow of a New Round of“Development”Chapter Six The State, Community-based Natural Resource Management and Resistance PoliticsThe State at the Grassroots LevelCommunity-based Natural Resource Management and Its DilemmasThe Powerless Fight Back: Resistance Politics ithe VillageEveryday Forms of ResistanceChapter SeveIntra-household Dynamics and Inter-household InteractionsA Shift of Gender and Power iIntra-household DynamicsInter-household Relationships iPracticeChapter Eight Market, Off-farm Work and Socioeconomic Differentiation: Money Changes EverythingThe Evolutioof the Market as aInstitutional Mechanism:The Rush to Off- farm PursuitsEmerging Wealth and Poverty through Villagers‘ EyesChapter Nine Gender, Conservatioand Development:Sustainability DilemmasLiterature CitedAppendix 作者介绍