韩经太,汉族,1951年3月生,甘肃定西人。1984年吉林大学毕业,获文学硕士学位。北京语言大学原副校长。现任北京语言大学特聘教授,北京市哲学社会科学首都国际文化研究基地主任、首席专家,《中国文化研究》杂志主编。1991年荣获“全国优秀教师”光荣称号;1996年首批入选国家“百千万人才工程”国家级人选;担任教育部社会科学委员会委员、中国社会科学院《文学遗产》编辑委员会委员等。主要从事中国古典诗学与中国思想史研究,代表性学术论文集中发表在《中国社会科学》《文学评论》《文学遗产》等权威学术刊物上,其中论文《诗艺与体物——中国古典诗学的写真艺术传统》(《文学遗产》2005年第2期)入选国家教育部发起、高等教育出版社与德国施普林格(Springe)出版公司合作出版的全英文系列刊物Frontiers of Literary Studies in China (《中国文学研究前沿》2009年第4期)。出版专著10余部,其中《理学文化与文学思潮》(中华书局,1997年版)入选国务院古籍整理规划领导小组主编《中国传统文化研究丛书》第二辑。
Preface “problem consciousness” in the age of “basic theoretical innovation”1 Chapter 1Tao follows nature: the birth and origin of Chinese esthetic culture6 1.1Introduction: beauty, supreme beauty and the beauty of being6 1.2Tao follows nature: logical inception of Chinese aesthetics12 1.3The way of nature: from Huainan Honglie to Wenxin Diaolong39 1.4Making an instrument for observing the phenomenon: the cultural connotations of the “origin of Chinese art”46 1.5Conclusion: the aesthetic culture of “man’s natural manifestation of art”57 Chapter 2Dual development of skill and Tao: the philosophy of art and the thought of profound unity60 2.1Introduction: from Zhuangzi’s “philosophy is aesthetics”60 2.2Unity means profundity: linguisticphilosophical nature of Laozi and Zhuang zi’s metaphysical thought63 2.3Using the heart as the mirror: the conception of chaos in the postwitchcraft era78 2.4Forget the purpose and flaunt the skill: double transcendence barriers for the artistic level of the “perfect man”92 2.5The great sound of silence: nostringed zither, monochord, long yelling (4′33″)108 2.6Conclusion: the agreement between the unitary principle of void and the duality of Tao and art127 Chapter 3The black sage and the crownless king: the aesthetics of Chinese personality and the spirit of being a commoner131 3.1Introduction: core value of the aesthetics of Chinese personality131 3.2Sage inner and king out: the “great beauty of being”and “travelling with Tao”134 3.3The black sage and the crownless king: the idea of “staying below” and the virtue of “conceding the crown”143 3.4Almost saint: Confucian “crownless king” personality and its reason of historical criticism153 3.5The saint who follows the time: Mencius’s theory of “four saints”and the personality of great consummation165 3.6Conclusion: personality unity of the inactivity of the black sage and the intellectual creation of the crownless king173 Chapter 4Poetizing on the occasion: ancient political poetics and Confucian spirit180 4.1Introduction: historical logic and literary narrative180