作者 Rita Mae Brown(丽塔·梅·布朗) 著;Rebecca Elliott(丽贝卡·艾略特) 绘
出版社 Scholastic
出版时间 2010-01
ISBN 9780545090506
定价 61.40元
装帧 平装
纸张 胶版纸
页数 12页
正文语种 英语
Featuring the classic storyline of a baby duckling searching for its mother, this book is full of touch-and-feel components that create uniquely interactive animal illustrations. With playful banter and brilliant tactiles on every spread, each encounter the baby duckling shares with other animals will have young readers giggling and handling these creative, touch-and-feel pages. 适合低龄儿童阅读的触摸书! 故事情节是非常经典的小鸭子找妈妈的故事。 一个明亮的早晨,毛茸茸的小鸭子开始找妈妈,它向其他牲口棚里的动物问它们是否是它的妈妈。 在小鸭子找妈妈的过程中,小读者可以触摸到兔子的皮毛、马的鬃毛、毛茸茸的羊毛以及故事的主角——毛茸茸的小鸭子。 小鸭子和其他动物之间发生的故事既温馨又惹人发笑。小读者可以在轻松的阅读氛围中对不同的小动物产生初步认知,并能通过触摸进一步丰富这种认知。 书中语言的节奏和韵律非常有趣,适合大声朗读。
Mae Brown is a children's book author and Are You My Mommy? is her first book for Scholastic. She lives in New York City with her family. Rebecca Elliott has illustrated many books for children. She lives with her husband, daughter, baby boy, and her cat.