第7章 教练即老师 1.“篮球运动员靠的是本能,而不是头脑” (BASKETBALL PLAYERS PLAY WITH THEIR SPINAL CORD NOT THEIR BRAIN) 2.“教练们执教球队时最需要关注的地方不在于你如何教,而在 于球员们如何学”。(IT ISNT HOW YOU TEACH; IT IS HOW THE PLAYERS LEARN.) 3.重复 4.简单化 5.耐心 6.体验 7.纠正 8.激励 9.要求 10.纪律
第10章 Monk进攻原则 1.无球进攻队员(AWAY FROM THE BALL) 2.持球进攻队员(WITH THE BALL) 3.所有进攻球员都要遵守的一般原则(GENERAL RULES) 4.进攻球员不假思索就要做的,也是必须做的 (AUTOMATICS , MUST DO ) 5.进攻球员不能做的(禁止做的)(CANT DO) 6.解读Monk进攻原则
媒体评论 I want to commend Ron Ekker for the outstanding work that he did as the first Technical Director of the Dongguan Basketball School, the NBA’s one and only basketball training academy in the world. The leadership and knowledge displayed by Ron enabled school management and participants the opportunity to learn all aspects of basketball in a very systematic and efficient way. Ron has great experience in basketball at all levels in the United States and since his time in Dongguan, has a unique understanding of coaching in China. I believe that Ron’s insight on China basketball will make this book a must read for basketball coaches of all levels. ——NBA靠前篮球运营部副总裁尊敬的Ron Ekker教练