This is the classic book on war as we know it. During his longlife, Basil H. Liddell Hart was considered one of the world'sforemost military thinkers--a man generally regarded as the"Clausewitz of the 20th century."
Liddell Hart stressed movement, flexibilty, surprise. He saw thatin most military campaigns dislocation of the enemy's psychologicaland physical balance is prelude to victory. This dislocationresults from a strategic indirect approach. Reflect for a moment onthe results of direct confrontation (trench war in WW I) versusindirect dislocation (Blitzkreig in WW II). Liddell Hart is alsotonic for business and political planning: just change thevocabulary and his concepts fit.
"The most important book by one of the outstanding militaryauthorities of our time." (Library Journal) --This text refers tothe Audio Cassette edition.