名称:Momofuku david chang and peter meehan 作者:David 品相:九五品 出版时间:2009 装订:精装 ISBN:9781906650353 出版社:Absolute Press 页数:303页
商品描述: 在从底层做起成为顶级厨师的名厨中,人们经常喜欢将"地狱厨神"Gordon Ramsay与"福桃(Momofuku)主创人"David Chang相比较。如果说Gordon Ramsay是通过厚积薄发,再结合商业造势从而闻名世界,那么David Chang则是为追求美食的厨艺入门者,提供了一条并非不可复制的通往美食神殿的道路,令人更感觉亲切.作为美籍亚裔(韩裔)大厨,David chang在美食纪录片《Ugly Delicious》中带领观众浏览亚洲的美食。与美食作家、厨师和寻访世界各地,希望利用美食作为消除文化障碍和化解错误观念,带大家一窥美国的移民史与文化融合。From David Chang, currently the hottest chef in the culinary world, comes this his first book, written with New York Times food critic Peter Meehan, packed full of ingeniously creative recipes. Already a sensational world star, Chang produces a buzzing fusion of Korean/Asian and Western cuisine, creating a style of food which defies easy categorisation. That it is fantastic, there is no doubt, and that it is eminently cookable, there is also no doubt! In the words of Chang himself, it is, 'bad pseudo-fusion cuisine'! The vibrant, urban feel of the book is teamed perfectly with clear and insightful writing that is both witty and accessible. Backed by undeniably informed technique and a clearly passionate advocation of cutting-edge fusion cooking, Chang's Momofuku is a stunning, no-holds barred, debut.