内容摘要 这是一本关于花卉的儿童自然书籍,是渴望了解开花植物世界的孩子的完美伴侣。 花不只是生长在花园里,它们也可以在山顶,海边,甚至水下找到! 在《自然探险者:花》中,孩子们被鼓励去调查并记录他们发现的所有野花,并亲自动手进行有趣的活动,从压花瓣到种植一个装满仙人掌的迷你沙漠 A first nature book about flowers for children, this is the perfect companion for kids eager to learn about the world of flowering plants. Flowers don't just grow in the garden, they can also be found on mountain-tops, by the seashore, and even underwater! In Nature Explorers: Flowers, children are encouraged to investigate and record all the wildflowers they find and get hands-on with fun activities, from pressing petals to planting a mini desert filled with cacti.