内容摘要 这是一本精致的城市美食旅游指南 翻开这本书,享受你的美食之旅,包含100多家伦敦当地知名的餐馆、咖啡馆、酒吧的美食推荐,你还会发现这座城市独特的饮食文化,以及一些可以在家自己烹饪的标志性美食的食谱。 Food-focused travel guides for the world's most exciting cities This book is a food tour in your pocket, featuring more than 100 of the best restaurants, cafes, bars and markets recommended by a team of in-the-know Londoners. You'll also find insights into the city's idiosyncratic food culture, and a handful of iconic recipes to cook in the holiday kitchen or once you've returned home. It's the inside knowledge that allows you to Drink, Shop, Cook and Eat Like a Local.