内容摘要 书名:Back To The Future经典电影故事绘本-回到未来 适读对象:4-8岁 作者:Kim Smith 出版社名称:Quirk Books 出版时间:2017 语种:英语 ISBN:9781683690443 商品尺寸:27.9 x 0.6 x 22.9 cm 包装:平装 页数:40(以实物为准) ★经典影视作品绘本 ★与孩子重温快乐旧时光 ★当代电影绘本系列 相信大家一定有留意过以「人生不能错过场的XX部经典好莱坞电影」为题的电影推荐文,的确,好的电影能为人生增添多元色彩,经典制作更是百看不厌。 作为家长的你,还记得小时候看过的电影吗? 有没有想过把电影介绍给孩子,可是,又考虑到有点岁月痕迹的电影可能不能引起孩子的兴趣? 今天要跟大家分享一个非常特别的绘本系列【Pop Classic】,特别的地方是系列把经典的电影改编成色彩缤纷的插画,并制作成绘本出版。 这样一来,孩子可以透过插画精美的绘本来认识这些经典电影故事,还可以学到电影里的词 Back To The Future《回到未来》》 对于喜欢科幻电影的各位,《回到未来》一定不是陌生的电影。这是一部以时间旅行为主题的美国科幻电影,由国际大导演史蒂芬·史匹柏为监制,米高福克斯和克里斯多夫洛伊领衔主演。 现在,这部电影重新以绘本方式呈现,由非常具有个人风格的插画家Kim Smith以电影原始的剧情来做绘制,也就是本书Back to the Future《回到未来》。书中语言简单易懂,文字风格幽默有趣,全彩插图生动形象,是适合小朋友们阅读的英语课外读物。 Great Scott!! The latest in Quirk's series of Pop Classic Picture Books (following HOME ALONE, THE X-FILES, and E.T.) takes readers on a wild time-traveling trip BACK TO THE FUTURE! The biggest movie of 1985 is now the wildest and wackiest picture book of 2018! Even 30 years after its theatrical debut, BACK TO THE FUTURE is a perennial favorite in classrooms and family movie nights across the country. This picture book by Kim Smith captures all the classic moments of the film. We'll follow teenage Marty McFly as he travels from 1985 to 1955, meets his parents (as teenagers), and teaches his father how to stand up to bullies. Complete with a time-traveling DeLorean, a crazy mad scientist companion, and a lightning-fueled finale! Kim Smith为当代电影绘本系列【Pop Classic】绘制了插图。画风非常具有个人风格。她住在加拿大的阿尔伯塔省。 Kim Smith is an illustrator from Calgary, Alberta. She has illustrated several children’s books including Over the River & Through the Wood: A Holiday Adventure (Sterling, 2015) Home Alone: The Classic Illustrated Storybook (Quirk Books, 2015). Her recent books include The X-Files: Earth Children are Weird (Quirk Books, 2017), The Great Puppy Invasion (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017) and E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial: The Classic Illustrated Storybook (Quirk Books, 2017). Kim lives in Calgary with her dog, Whisky, and husband, Eric. 1234567