内容摘要 书名:Peppa Pig: Hooray! Says Peppa Finger Puppet Book小猪佩奇指偶纸板书 读者对象:3-6岁 作者:Ladybird 出版社名称:Ladybird 出版时间:2012 语种:英文 ISBN:9781409313298 商品尺寸:14.6 x 2.1 x 20.9 cm 包装:纸板书 页数:14 超人气卡通明星小猪佩奇来啦! ★180多个国家数千万家庭的共同选择。 ★连续4年获得英国学院奖“学龄前动画奖” ★英国布拉德福动画节“学龄前动画奖” ★法国昂西动画节“电视制作奖” ★意大利海湾卡通节“学龄前动画奖”“欧洲年度节目奖” 小猪佩奇又名粉红猪小妹(英文名:Peppa Pig),是一部英国学前电视动画片。故事围绕她与家人的愉快经历,幽默而有趣,藉此宣扬传统家庭观念与友情,鼓励小朋友们体验生活。极简的动画风格,幽默的对话语调,深具教育意义的故事情节,不仅能让学龄前儿童学习知识,更能让小朋友们从小养成良好的生活习惯。 Peppa Pig: Hooray! Says Peppa Finger Puppet Book《小猪佩奇指偶纸板书》这本指偶书,将手偶玩具和书融为一体,让阅读小猪的故事变得更有乐趣! 推荐理由: 1.佩奇手偶穿插在书中,让阅读变得“戏剧”性,吸引孩子的眼球; 2.手偶柔软亲肤,在游戏中锻炼手指的灵活度; 3.词汇简单,句子重复出现; 4.重点词汇加粗,内容贴近生活; 5.圆角设计,纸板材质,不会伤害到小孩稚嫩的双手。 Cheer along with Peppa and share her day of fun in this sturdy book, featuring a soft finger puppet to really bring the story to life! A great, fun read to share with young children. Lots of fun for little piggies! Ladybird booksare known and loved the world over. For millions of people, they bring back the golden days of childhood — learning to read, discovering the magic of books, and growing up. The very first Ladybird book ever was produced by a jobbing printer called Wills & Hepworth during the First World War. The company, based in Loughborough, Leicestershire, began to publish “pure and healthy literature” for children, registering the Ladybird logo in 1915. Despite the company’s claims, however, those books would no longer be politically correct. In the ABC Picture Book, for example, A stood for armoured train! 1234567