内容摘要 史蒂夫?乔布斯(Steve Jobs)幼年时被旧金山的一个家庭收养,他在短短56年里经历了很多人生。谁是…?《乔布斯传》中,孩子们将会了解到,乔布斯早年对电脑和科技的痴迷,是如何促使他与他人共同创建并经营苹果公司的,除此之外,他还将皮克斯动画工作室打造成了一个具有开创性的动画工作室。大学辍学后,乔布斯在通往成功的道路上采取了不同寻常的步骤,并激励优秀和聪明的人与他一起“改变世界”。 Steve Jobs, adopted in infancy by a family in San Francisco, packed a lot of life into fifty-six short years. In this Who Was…? biography, children will learn how his obsession with computers and technology at an early age led him to co-found and run Apple, in addition to turning Pixar into a ground-breaking animation studio. A college dropout, Jobs took unconventional steps in his path to success and inspired the best and the brightest to come with him and “change the world.”