内容摘要 大多数人认为成功来自于好运气或巨大的天赋,但许多成功人士以一种更简单的方式取得成就:通过自律。《没有借口!》告诉你如何在生活的所有三个主要领域获得成功,包括你的个人目标、商业和金钱目标,以及整体幸福。 本书21章中的每一章都告诉你如何在生活的一个方面更加自律,章末的练习帮助你把没有借口的方法应用到自己的生活中。有了这些准则,你就可以学会如何在你所做的每一件事上获得更大的成功--而不是一厢情愿地羡慕别人,你认为他们只是比你幸运。一点点自律会有很长的路要走 -- 所以不要再找借口了,快来读这本书吧! Most people think success comes from good luck or enormous talent, but many successful people achieve their accomplishments in a simpler way: through self-discipline. No Excuses! shows you how you can achieve success in all three major areas of your life, including your personal goals, business and money goals, and overall happiness. Each of the 21 chapters in this book shows you how to be more disciplined in one aspect of your life, with end-of-chapter exercises to help you apply the no excuses approach to your own life. With these guidelines, you can learn how to be more successful in everything you do --instead of wistfully envying others you think are just luckier than you. A little self-discipline goes a long way -- so stop making excuses and read this book!