内容摘要 1.Lives Of The Artists 意大利艺苑名人传 第一卷 黑经典 从13世纪的西马布埃和乔托开始,瓦萨里追溯了意大利艺术跨越三个世纪的发展,直到莱昂纳多和米开朗基罗的黄金时代。瓦萨里描绘了年轻的乔托在石头上划出他的第一幅画;多纳泰罗凝视着布鲁内莱斯基的十字架;米开朗基罗在不耐烦的教皇朱利叶斯二世的骚扰下,在西斯廷教堂上的艰苦工作,这些伟大的人物和他们的不朽作品都被生动地展现出来。著作中还传达了许多关于瓦萨里本人的信息,以及他作为一个评论家在对艺术的热情鼓舞下的杰出能力。 2.Lives Of The Artists 意大利艺苑名人传 第二卷 黑经典 在他的《意大利艺苑名人传》中,瓦萨里表现出的文学天赋甚至超过了他作为画家和建筑师的杰出能力。 通过人物素描和轶事,他描绘了皮耶罗-迪-科西莫(Piero di Cosimo)关在废弃的房子里,只为画画而活;朱利奥-罗曼诺(Giulio Romano)那幅惊心动魄的朱夫击倒巨人的画作;以及他的朋友弗朗西斯科-萨尔维亚蒂(Francesco Salviati),他的传记也告诉了我们很多关于瓦萨里自己早期的职业生涯。瓦萨里独具匠心的高瞻远瞩加上他敏锐的美学判断,使他成为有史以来蕞有影响力的艺术史家之一。 In his Lives of the Artists of the Italian Renaissance, Vasari demonstrated a literary talent that outshone even his outstanding abilities as a painter and architect. Through character sketches and anecdotes he depicts Piero di Cosimo shut away in his derelict house, living only to paint; Giulio Romano's startling painting of Jove striking down the giants; and his friend Francesco Salviati, whose biography also tells us much about Vasari's own early career. Vasari's original and soaring vision plus his acute aesthetic judgements have made him one of the most influential art historians of all time.