商品简介 Flooded是一个有趣的、图文并茂的故事,讲述了生活在一个城市的动物们正在慢慢地被洪水淹没。 洪水起初知识慢慢地来,而所有的动物都选择了无视,继续他们忙碌的生活,只为自己的问题所困扰。最后,洪水达到了他们无法忽视的高度,他们不得不一起努力来拯救他们的城市。所有的动物都排成一列,拔掉了导致城市淹没的塞子。这是一个图文并茂的故事,它告诉人们不要让问题恶化,只要有团队合作精神,没有什么问题是不可克服的。 Flooded is the funny and beautifully illustrated tale of animals who live in a city that is ever so slowly flooding. The flood comes gradually at first. All the animals ignore the obvious and go about their busy lives, disjointed from one another and preoccupied by their own problems. Eventually, the flood water reaches a height that they can no longer ignore and they have to work together to save their city. All the animals join together in a line and pull out the plug that is drowning the city. This is an exceptionally illustrated story that teaches a message not to let problems fester and with a little team work and community spirit, no problem is insurmountable.