商品简介 The 50 Fantastic Ideas series is packed full of fun, original, skills-based activities for Early Years practitioners to use with children aged 0-5. Each activity features step-by-step guidance, a list of resources, and a detailed explanation of the skills children will learn. Creative, simple, and highly effective, this series is a must-have for every Early Years setting. The outdoor environment offers access to unique opportunities to explore and discover the world around us with the weather and nature constantly enhancing each and every learning experience. The benefits of outdoor learning are accepted world wide and the need to plan for experiences across the curriculum is as important to practitioners as ever. 50 Fantastic Ideas for Science Outdoors offers lots of practical ways to incorporate early science skills and knowledge within other areas of learning the book is written as a recipe type step-by-step guide to 50 exciting ideas. For practitioners looking to develop their outdoor learning provision or those just seeking a quick exciting idea to refresh an existing area, this book offers loads of clear and concise activities to help. Showing how early science is a truly multisensory exploration of the world the author has tried to show how good practice can be developed on even the tightest of budgets. 50 个奇思妙想系列充满了有趣、原创、基于技能的活动,供幼儿从业者与孩子一起使用0-5岁。每项活动都有分步指导、资源列表以及孩子将学习的技能的详细说明。该系列创意、简单且高效,是每个早教环境的必备品。 户外环境提供了独特的机会,让我们能够通过天气和自然不断增强每一次学习体验。户外学习的好处已被全世界所接受,并且规划整个课程的体验对于从业者来说一如既往的重要。 《户外科学的 50 个奇妙想法》提供了许多实用方法,可以将早期科学技能和知识融入到其他学习领域中。这本书是作为 50 个令人兴奋的想法的菜谱式分步指南编写的。对于那些希望发展户外学习设施的从业者或那些只是寻求快速令人兴奋的想法来刷新现有领域的从业者来说,本书提供了大量清晰简洁的活动来提供帮助。为了证明早期科学是对世界真正的多感官探索,作者试图展示如何在*紧张的预算下开发出良好的实践。