内容摘要 讲述了在20世纪建筑界一个无与伦比的乐观主义时代出现的计划、图纸和提案的故事。 这些宏伟的项目中,很多都停留在图纸上,有些是无法建造的幻想,而在其他情况下,测试结构或建筑的一部分确实出现在现实世界中。本书介绍了巴克明斯特-富勒、杰弗里-巴瓦、勒-柯布西耶、弗兰克-劳埃德-赖特和阿基格拉姆的作品,以及诺曼-福斯特、扎哈-哈迪德、威尔-阿尔索普和雷姆-库哈斯等当代建筑师。 Unbuilt tells the stories of the plans, drawings and proposals that emerged during the 20th century in an unparalleled era of optimism in architecture. Many of these grand projects stayed on the drawing board, some were flights of fancy that couldn't be built, and in other cases test structures or parts of buildings did emerge in the real world. The book features the work of Buckminster Fuller, Geoffrey Bawa, Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright and Archigram, as well as contemporary architects such as Norman Foster, Zaha Hadid, Will Alsop and Rem Koolhaas.