内容摘要 书名:Stardust 星尘 难度:Lexile蓝思阅读指数970L 作者:Neil Gaiman尼尔·盖曼 出版社名称:William Morrow 出版时间:2016 语种:英文 ISBN:9780062564344 商品尺寸:10.6 x 1.7 x 19 cm 包装:简装 页数:288 (以实物为准) Stardust《星尘》是自《小王子》以来又一部令我们仰望星空充满喜悦的故事,用文字构筑了介乎于宫崎骏和比亚茨莱之间的神奇世界,弥漫着淡淡忧伤的成人童话,哥特、奇幻、从容而温暖。 作者是美国作家尼尔·盖曼。该书自问世之后,在美国读者中和评论界都产生了很大反响。《圣路易邮报》评论道:“这是他至今很棒的一部作品,如散文般优美流畅,仿佛是醇美的威士忌酒。”《底特律自由报》称《星尘》是“一部包含了爱情、危险、友谊、魔法和冒险的成人童话,其中注入了别具一格的幽默以及饱含深意的信念。这个小小的故事会为我们带来极大的愉悦”。2007年,《星尘》被改编成电影在美国上映。 推荐理由: 1. 美国奇幻大师尼尔·盖曼力作,1999年创神奖获奖作品; 2. 好莱坞魔幻大片《星尘》英文原著小说,文字难度不大; 3. 英文原版,内容无删减,纸质护眼,小巧便携。 Now a major motion picture—this charming fairy tale by the #1New York Times bestselling author, weaves a magical story set long ago in the tiny English village of Wall, a place where things are not quite what they seem. Go and catch a falling star… Tristran Thorn promises to bring back a fallen star for his beloved, the hauntingly beautiful Victoria Forester—and crosses the wall that divides his English country town from another, more dangerous world of lords and witches, all of them in search of the star. Rich with adventure and magic, Stardust is one of master storyteller Neil Gaiman’s most beloved tales. Review “Eminently readable—a charming piece of work.”— Washington Post Book World “Beautiful, memorable… A book full of marvels.” — Milwaukee Journal Sentinel “A twisting, wondrous tale full of magic that only Neil Gaiman could have written.” — Chicago Tribune “Strange...marvelous...Stardust takes us back to a time when the world was more magical, and, real or not, that world is a charming place.” — Philadelphia Inquirer 很久很久以前,英格兰有一个宁静的小村庄,村庄被鹅卵石城墙所包围,所以称为“石墙村”。虽然只是薄薄一面城墙,却世世代代地保护着这里的村民,因为一墙之隔的外面世界,是充满奇迹和意外的仙境。 特里斯坦·桑恩是个再普通不过的年轻人,他爱上了村里美丽的姑娘维多利亚,并许下诺言,要带回天上落下的星星来献给维多利亚。为了心中至爱,特里斯坦冒险穿越那道象征着禁忌的城墙,进入另一个世界——那里有风起云涌的风暴堡,神秘邪恶的女巫,古怪滑稽的魔法。当特里斯坦到达流星降落之地时,他看到的竟然不是预期中的陨石,而是一个美丽、勇敢的女人……在猝然坠落地球之时,“星星”不小心崴了脚,然而这只是一切不幸的开始而已,打从她脚落地开始,各种意料不到的危险便悄然降临了…… 《星尘》远不止是个童话,它有幸福的结局,却依然透出人类永恒的悲伤。 In the sleepy English countryside of decades past, there is a town that has stood on a jut of granite for six hundred years. And immediately to the east stands a high stone wall, for which the village is named. Here in the town of Wall, Tristran Thorn has lost his heart to the hauntingly beautiful Victoria Forester. One crisp October night, as they watch, a star falls from the sky, and Victoria promises to marry Tristran if he’ll retrieve that star and bring it back for her. It is this promise that sends Tristran through the only gap in the wall, across the meadow, and into the most unforgettable adventure of his life.In the sleepy English countryside of decades past, there is a town that has stood on a jut of granite for six hundred years. And immediately to the east stands a high stone wall, for which the village is named. Here in the town of Wall, Tristran Thorn has lost his heart to the hauntingly beautiful Victoria Forester. One crisp October night, as they watch, a star falls from the sky, and Victoria promises to marry Tristran if he’ll retrieve that star and bring it back for her. It is this promise that sends Tristran through the only gap in the wall, across the meadow, and into the most unforgettable adventure of his life. 尼尔·盖曼(Neil Gaiman,1960—)是近十年来欧美文坛崛起的耀眼的明星,被视为新一代幻想文学的代表。其创作领域横跨幻想小说、科幻小说、恐怖小说、儿童小说、漫画以及歌词。他的作品不但部部畅销,更获奖无数。《文学传记辞典》将他列为十大后现代作家之一。代表作有《睡魔》《鬼妈妈》《美国众神》等。 Neil Gaiman is the New York Times bestselling author of the novels Neverwhere,Stardust,American Gods,Coraline,Anansi Boys,The Graveyard Book,Good Omens (with Terry Pratchett), The Ocean at the End of the Lane, andThe Truth Is a Cave in the Black Mountains; theSandman series of graphic novels; and the story collectionsSmoke and Mirrors,Fragile Things, andTrigger Warning. He is the winner of numerous literary honors, including the Hugo, Bram Stoker, and World Fantasy awards, and the Newbery and Carnegie Medals. Originally from England, he now lives in the United States. He is Professor in the Arts at Bard College. Chapter One In Which We Learn of the Village of Wall, and of the Curious Thing That Occurs There Every Nine Years There was once a young man who wished to gain his Heart’s Desire. And while that is, as beginnings go, not entirely novel (for every tale about every young man there ever was or will be could start in a similar manner) there was much about this young man and what happened to him that was unusual, although even he never knew the whole of it. The tale started, as many tales have started, in Wall. The town of Wall stands today as it has stood for six hundred years, on a high jut of granite amidst a small forest woodland. The houses of Wall are square and old, built of grey stone, with dark slate roofs and high chimneys; taking advantage of every inch of space on the rock, the houses lean into each other, are built one upon the next, with here and there a bush or tree growing out of the side of a building. There is one road from Wall, a winding track rising sharply up from the forest, where it is lined with rocks and small stones. Followed far enough south, out of the forest, the track becomes a real road, paved with asphalt; followed further the road gets larger, is packed at all hours with cars and trucks rushing from city to city. Eventually the road takes you to London, but London is a whole night’s drive from Wall. The inhabitants of Wall are a taciturn breed, falling into two distinct types: the native Wall-folk, as, grey and tall and stocky as the granite outcrop their town was built upon; and the others, who have made Wall their home over the years, and their descendants. Below Wall on the west is the forest; to the south is a treacherously placid lake served by the streams that drop from the hills behind Wall to the north. There are fields upon the hills, on which sheep graze. To the east is more woodland. Immediately to the east of Wall is a high grey rock wall, from which the town takes its name. This wall is old, built of rough, square lumps of hewn granite, and it comes from the woods and goes back to the woods once more. There is only one break in the wall; an opening about six feet in width, a little to the north of the village. Through the gap in the wall can be seen a large green meadow; beyond the meadow, a stream; and beyond the stream there are trees. From time to time shapes and figures can be seen, amongst the trees, in the distance. Huge shapes and odd shapes and small, glimmering things which flash and glitter and are gone. Although it is perfectly good meadowland, none of the villagers has ever grazed animals on the meadow on the other side of the wall. Nor have they used it for growing crops. Instead, for hundreds, perhaps for thousands of years, they have posted guards on each side of the opening on the wall, and done their best to put it out of their minds. Even today, two townsmen stand on either side of the opening, night and day, taking eight-hour shifts. They carry hefty wooden cudgels. They flank the opening on the town side. Their main function is to prevent the town’s children from going through the opening, into the meadow and beyond. Occasionally they are called upon to discourage a solitary rambler, or one of the few visitors to the town, from going through the gateway. 1234567